More pet questions
What is the best pet in ur opinion? What is the earliest pet u can get in the game? Which is trained the fastest, and how do u do it? Thanx

Uh you have to get the stalker first, its a quest. In my opinion the best pet is the one you have a bond with, sounds strange but i love my strider to death and i think he's the best thing ever! Going by numbers the spider is the best. They don't really train... it's the amount of beast mastery points you have that makes the pet better. How? you just bring it with you XP
Profius Odin
Pets do train. Here is how.
After you get your first pet it will level up along with you. Since when you kill mob when you get experience points your pet receives them too. Now depending on the tactics you use your pet with, it's "skills" will advance appropriately. What does it mean I don't know for sure. But I've read somewhere that your pet skills advance depending on the tactics you use it. Maybe it depends on what kinds of support spells you cast on your pet.
After you get your first pet it will level up along with you. Since when you kill mob when you get experience points your pet receives them too. Now depending on the tactics you use your pet with, it's "skills" will advance appropriately. What does it mean I don't know for sure. But I've read somewhere that your pet skills advance depending on the tactics you use it. Maybe it depends on what kinds of support spells you cast on your pet.
... o.O uhh huuhhh...
pets level with experience... training would mean you have to teach them things... the skills get better with more points in beast mastery, plain and simple. With pet skills you can increase the amount of damage you pet does. othewise i have no f'in idea what you are talking about... and i have a lvl 20 strider.
pets level with experience... training would mean you have to teach them things... the skills get better with more points in beast mastery, plain and simple. With pet skills you can increase the amount of damage you pet does. othewise i have no f'in idea what you are talking about... and i have a lvl 20 strider.