Player Menus!
I think we should be able to click on a persons name and press a certain key to open up a menu that shows that player's titles, aution items (in the future), armor, 'catch phrase', and other things like that... i got this idea from Final Fantasy 11 and it's pretty helpful when looking for an experienced player.
It is an interesting concept but there may be some problems with it. As for the catch phrase or any other text that the user can enter the text would have to be filitered. Otherwise there could be a large amount of racisist, sexist, and obscene things. Unless I misunderstood the auction you are talking about the auction item idea wouldn't work because not everyone uses this sites auction feature.
I belive he was talking about when Anet implements trade improvements, whatever those may be. One player would be able to see what another player has for sale. I like the idea, sort of a profile for someone. Maybe have an section where it lists other characters associated with their account.
I just want to be able to see their build. Now that would make forming pugs so much easier. The crappy won't invite you, and you won't invite the crappy.