It cost me a fortune to get a guildhall, and now, to add a storage guy will cost me another 50k. Adding a skill trainer that doesn't train any non-unlocked skills will cost me 100k.
Who do Anet think we are?
Reduce cost of adding people to guildhall please
Reasonably huge guilds with many generous, unselfish members?

I guess its a money-sink kinda thing. But dont sigils cost like 15k nowadays thats not exactly a fortune...
Its a gold sink, and most of the NPC are not a "must have", so, if your guild cant afford them dont buy them
storage is enough

Malice Black
why buy things u dont need? how do u know your guild wont disband after 1day...thats what normally happens to new/newish guilds
There's no reason to lower the prices on them as they're all an unnessecary luxury. You can find every single one of them in any major town. 3 seconds of map travel won't kill you...
You don't "need" to buy anything. Everything you can buy is available somewhere else.