Hey, I am an aspiring web designer looking to increase the size of my porfolio. I use the highest level of web design software (Photoshop CS2, Imageready CS2, Flash MX, Dreamweaver MX).
Here is my deviantart account gallery, I am more common to do "dark" photomanipulation, but I tend to design a website everyonce-in-a-while: http://acreations.deviantart.com/gallery
Here are some of the packages I am currently offering:
***Each product is unique, you will never get the same thing as another person***
- Banners
This package includes a custom banner for your guild/proffesional website!
- Logos
This package includes a custom logo for your guild/proffesional website!
- Signatures!!!
This package includes a custom signature for you!
- Avatars!!!
This package includes a custom avatar for you!
Please PM me for prices. I am now pricing my packages to the equilavent to real money. ATM ebay is at 100k for ~10$ CDN.
Example: Say I will do a proffessional logo for the lower end of the real money price range (50$), that would mean that it would be a total of 500k.
I am currently not offering a complete website at this time.
Payment will be conducted as followed:
Step 1: I upload a sample of you product onto my photobucket account (with a watermark, to prevent piracy)
Step 2: You will then pay me the select amount in-game.
Step 3: I will then e-mail you all of the poducts you requested.
Please PM me if you have any questions /concerns /orders.
Proffesional Web Designer Looking to Increase Portfolio
The Dirrtiest
Great work. I had him make a few avatars and a signature for me and I couldn't be more pleased. Some of the best work I've seen. It was worth every penny and I'll be coming back to him from now on to get my avatars done. 

I think you would have a lot more luck with this if you would show some more examples of your work.
I would probably charge twice as much if it was me. Looks like you spent a lot of time on the dirrty sig.
I would probably charge twice as much if it was me. Looks like you spent a lot of time on the dirrty sig.
Don Z
sorry ^^
sorry ^^
24-hour bump:
Changed prices, added web site package
Changed prices, added web site package