Alliances - guildrosters
The thing I'd love to see with alliances, is being able to view each other guildroster, so you know who is online. With several names, it's hard to know who is the person you are talking with.
The hovering names over solves this for your own guild(roster), but for guilds in your alliance, you will have to keep asking who they are. That is limiting the possibility of building a close-knit alliance.
I'd like to have a button / dropdown menu to switch between guildrosters
or tab pages to see the various guildrosters of your allies.
Kind regards,
The hovering names over solves this for your own guild(roster), but for guilds in your alliance, you will have to keep asking who they are. That is limiting the possibility of building a close-knit alliance.
I'd like to have a button / dropdown menu to switch between guildrosters
or tab pages to see the various guildrosters of your allies.
Kind regards,
Opal Bridewood
For an alliance building on community instead of faction farming (not that I have trouble with that in general), this would be an excellent and welcome addition.
For an alliance building on community instead of faction farming (not that I have trouble with that in general), this would be an excellent and welcome addition.
Silethas Celalith
It would be great to see how active the other alliances are.
It would be great to see how active the other alliances are.
Great idea that would help everyone.
Lets Get to Healing
/signed, i was looking for a thread like this. i was abou to make my own.
/signed x 5
Thanks so far for signing it. I'm hoping more people join, as I really feel strongly on this subject.