having trouble...well with alot of stuff

Shadow Grl

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2006


I'm a level 20 assasin.....i dont know how to know how much a weapon is worth to sell is because usually i sell it to merchants and the weapon smiths.... but lately i've been talking to some people and they had said that some weapons are worth 150k...well how do i know how much a weapon is worth???....also is there any tips i could get that could help me as an assasin because i seem to suck as a player.....help would be appreciated very much...thanx

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

use the price check forum to get prices for any items

as for being a better player..join a guild, preferably a mature guild that will help out



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005


I find the Price Check forum on here invaluable for helping to value weapons - especially the 'sticky' posts at the top that deal with weapon mods, rares and green items.

The assassin forum would be a good place to start for improving your 'sin.

Of course there is always GuildWiki too - crammed full of valuable information ranging from builds to skills to weapons.

Good luck.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

Scars Meadows [SMS], Retired Officer


malice and yeah pretty much have it right.

to know how much an item is "worth," you have to know the market pretty well. the worth is essentially how much people are willing to pay for it. the price check forum is a good start to get an idea, but it isn't necessarily the gospel truth. it is just a general guideline based on what items are actually selling for. you'll learn more of this with experience.

as for your assassin, the assassin forum as mentioned is a good place to start with builds and strategies. for gameplay, try to find a good guild to play with. this also comes with more experience.