I've been having thoughts like... what about separate gifts for characters and accounts? 1 type of gift for a 24 month old character and another for a 24 month old account. The account birthday present is mainly for the PvP'ers who don't keep characters, because I thought they were left out unfairly in the first round.
For 2 year old characters I'm thinking of:
* a class specific gift
* another mini-pet! (mini-pets, round 2!)
* a Zimmer frame? Stair lift maybe? Ok ok... just kidding

For accounts I'm thinking of
* a title for old age ("granpa", "old coot" etc - something slightly funny that you wouldn't mind for being an old timer)
* an emote (something to do with being old maybe)
* a flashy aura
* a useful class-specific item that appears in each character's inventory (like the daggers + ritualist staff that come with one of the Factions packs)
* a useless item that looks funky - maybe a familiar that sits on your shoulder
* spectacular capes that reach the floor (on a toggle with the old style)
I think so far I like the idea of Round 2 minipets for character birthdays and spectacular capes for account birthdays

What do YOU want?