EDIT: Sorry, I meant to post this in the inn and will be doing so. Please remove.
To start off, I have been on guru for quite a while and have seen threads like this pop up from time to time. I don't like whiners and that is not my intention. My intention is to remind everyone out there that this is only a game and it can be taken from you in a moment's time.
I attempted to log into Guild Wars today and was absolutely shocked and saddened to receive information of a permanent ban. I truly consider myself an upstanding Guild Wars citizen and mature gamer. I have prided myself in being one who abides by the rules and promotes maturity in game. I have never once sworn, scammed, used an add-on program or bought or sold game items with real money. I can provide many game references to account for my integrity.
Throughout the past year, I have encouraged many friends and family members to purchase this game that I had fallen so in love with. I am a very family and friend oriented gamer and will be leaving many great acquaintances behind. I have always been extremely supportive of ANet and hope they do the right thing here. At any rate, the moral of the story is make sure you have a life outside of Guild Wars. Don't forget to spend some time with loved ones in the real world. That's what I will be doing from now on.
Take care and good luck,
Honest Account Banned aka It's Only a Game
Vahn Roi
Good advice
Nocere Moriari
ANet has mencioned that there was a 4000 account ban and that they admit that there has been some accounts that were baned by mistake and that u should get in contact with them.
lots of acounts were ban by mistake.
Ariana Of Damia
I had a guild mate who got banned on the weekend and another one who got banned just this week.
1 of the guildies has done nothing wrong and is currently in a debate with ANet about his account
LOL, this is a joke right?
I mean the thread title states 'it's only a game' yet the OP's post is actually just a lot of whining anyway - seems odd to me.
I mean the thread title states 'it's only a game' yet the OP's post is actually just a lot of whining anyway - seems odd to me.
How can someone get banned and not have bad feelings toward a-net?
Originally Posted by majoho
LOL, this is a joke right?
I mean the thread title states 'it's only a game' yet the OP's post is actually just a lot of whining anyway - seems odd to me. |
lol thanks for the laugh
Originally Posted by majoho
LOL, this is a joke right?
I mean the thread title states 'it's only a game' yet the OP's post is actually just a lot of whining anyway - seems odd to me. |