Commercials on Guild Wars?
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If you think ads in games are okay, the thought-police already have you...
Vel Satis
I wouldn't like this at all. Games are pretty much made for the benefit of gamers right now. Once the corporations get involved, the gamers will soon come second to the big advertising $$.
Originally Posted by Vel Satis
I wouldn't like this at all. Games are pretty much made for the benefit of gamers right now. Once the corporations get involved, the gamers will soon come second to the big advertising $$.
i'd really hate to see any ads in GW, its just not this business model, its not a completely free game and generally ads in GW would suck alot. I'm surprised so many people wouldnt care if there were ads in GW.
Just imagine the suckage - items in game referencing to real world products, billboards in towns, colored chat window messages advertising some shiit that cant be removed, additional waiting time for displaying some ads before starting observing a match or before entering a mission... maybe some company logos on npc armors or guild capes ? maybe just the login screen messed up with ads... there are lots of possibilities. And. They. All. Suck. Period.
Just imagine the suckage - items in game referencing to real world products, billboards in towns, colored chat window messages advertising some shiit that cant be removed, additional waiting time for displaying some ads before starting observing a match or before entering a mission... maybe some company logos on npc armors or guild capes ? maybe just the login screen messed up with ads... there are lots of possibilities. And. They. All. Suck. Period.