07 Jul 2006 at 12:42 - 5
Sorry- read it wrong... *smacks head*
Here are some pros and cons to the classes you mentioned:
A warrior as secondary isnt that helpful- you can't get the good armor, you can't put points in strength, and you can't use many of the combat skills due to wielding daggers. Yeah, your adrenaline will charge fast, but you wont have much of a use for it. If you do choose warroir as secondary, you would probably want to limit the skills to tactics- even there, be careful what you use as some stances end when you use skills.
Ranger as a secondary is nice, but please don't pick it because of a pet- would you really want to waste a skill slot and put needed attribute points in beast mastery? The ability to poison is really nice for sins because if/when they have to run, they continue to do damage. The best choice if you do choose ranger secondary is to put points in wilderness survival- it has traps, evasive skills, poison, and if I remember right, some nice spirits. This would be useful for doing lots of damage, but lacks the ability to heal, which could quickly become a huge problem.
Monk secondary is helpful for almost any class. If you do pick it, it will make the monk's job easier and you won't die as often if you become the focus of the aggro. Even though healing sounds nice, think about it- you stop attacking, use a healing spell and use needed magic, and then promptly lose any health you gained from the continued attacks. I recommend that if you take monk as a secondary, use the protection prayers. This will help you last a lot longer, avoid damage, and reduce recieved damage. I would pick monk due to the increased survivability.
Something else you might want to think about is a necro as secondary- if you use blood magic, you can do damage and heal.