Competitive Mission Victories Required For "Befriending" Quests
As you all know, the "Befrending" quests in the Factions campaign require 10,000 faction for a faction in order to complete. However, since Faction is also account specific, it's also incorrect with respect to the gameplay. (since the player itself may not have earned the faction necessary)
Therefore, I propose that in addition to the 10,000 Faction, players need to win a match of Fort Aspenwood and Jade Quarry.
The benefit it two-fold. It will actually generate players in those areas, and it will allow for a more serious gameplay at those locations (of course, a few balance changed would need to be made first...but that's for another thread.)
This also dissuades some AFKers, since AFKing = not winning.
Plus, it makes sense. You are participating in the Kurzick/Luxon War.
Therefore, I propose that in addition to the 10,000 Faction, players need to win a match of Fort Aspenwood and Jade Quarry.
The benefit it two-fold. It will actually generate players in those areas, and it will allow for a more serious gameplay at those locations (of course, a few balance changed would need to be made first...but that's for another thread.)
This also dissuades some AFKers, since AFKing = not winning.
Plus, it makes sense. You are participating in the Kurzick/Luxon War.
i like it :3
Unlucky Slayer
Just no... I dont like those "Missions" and I would not like to be forced to play them...
If there are no people playing in the competative missions (looks at jade quarry) how will you do the quest?
Originally Posted by azunder
If there are no people playing in the competative missions (looks at jade quarry) how will you do the quest?

Well, it depends on the statistics really. If it makes enough people play it to remove the problem of empty zones, it's fine. On the other hand, how do we know that there will be at least 16 people (you'll need more if you don't want to wait for those 16 people playing to finish their game) playing those missions at any time?
It doesn't really promote not-AFKing either. You'll win sooner or later even while AFK. There just might be even more of AFKers, silly PvE'rs that whine that they are "forced to play PvP"...
Originally Posted by Zinger314
........ a match of Fort Aspenwood
OR Jade Quarry.. |
While I personally love PvP, I still think it shouldn't be forced down anyone's throat.
Some people have moral or other issues with PvP. You should encourage the combination of PvE/PvP as much as you want, but dont require it.
Don't force people to pvp.
Don't force people to pvp.
Originally Posted by rong626
Jade Quarry misson is immpossible to do as lack of ppl

If you build it, they will come.
You're just creating more obstacles for people who want to play the game their way. I've already had enough with all the locked gates and being unable to walk from one outpost to the next without following some convouluted quest-based route. I've already done the stupid quest and I didn't give a crap about it in the first place.
I'm a PvP player and I would NOT like to do even more useless stuff just to get to eternal grove and cap air of enchantment.
/not signed
I'm a PvP player and I would NOT like to do even more useless stuff just to get to eternal grove and cap air of enchantment.
/not signed
Dougal Kronik
/not signed
It's bad enough with the gates and daisy-chained missions to get anywhere and just play the game.
It's bad enough with the gates and daisy-chained missions to get anywhere and just play the game.
Never did Jade Quarry, there are never any people there

/not signed. Might take ages to finally win a pvp battle. I personally suck at it, as I'm not really interested in it.
/not signed
Many reasons; but mainly (and I'll take the flame bait) "I'll whine at being forced to PvP" - I despise the PvP in GW; it's neither fun nor entertaining to me... and I really am no good at it either, so having to win a mission in something I do not enjoy would further destroy the Factions game play for me.
Forcing competitive play on players that do not enjoy it, will utterly bring GW down. Many enjoy competition but many do not. Keeping it optional is a smart business choice.
Many reasons; but mainly (and I'll take the flame bait) "I'll whine at being forced to PvP" - I despise the PvP in GW; it's neither fun nor entertaining to me... and I really am no good at it either, so having to win a mission in something I do not enjoy would further destroy the Factions game play for me.
Forcing competitive play on players that do not enjoy it, will utterly bring GW down. Many enjoy competition but many do not. Keeping it optional is a smart business choice.
Originally Posted by Alleji
You're just creating more obstacles for people who want to play the game their way. I've already had enough with all the locked gates and being unable to walk from one outpost to the next without following some convouluted quest-based route. I've already done the stupid quest and I didn't give a crap about it in the first place.
I'm a PvP player and I would NOT like to do even more useless stuff just to get to eternal grove and cap air of enchantment. |
Oh, and for this, /not signed.