Arena-Net: Fix the artwork on 15k clothing, please.
Hi, this stuff is expensive, you know.. Would be nice if you guys would make it look right so it at least =feels= worth the 15k, plus materials, plus dyes, that we spend on it? K.
I didn't take pictures of everything, but the most important one I have seen, is the blatant error in art work missing around the ankle of the ritualist, 15k canthan right shoe. This looks like -crap-.
Not Broken:
I've also heard people talking about the male 15k version, and 15k female tormentor having a fuzzy midsection. This I can vouch for, as I used to have 15k tormentor, before salvaging it to clear space. It really did look like crap about the waist....
Anyhow.. fix the shoes please.
I didn't take pictures of everything, but the most important one I have seen, is the blatant error in art work missing around the ankle of the ritualist, 15k canthan right shoe. This looks like -crap-.
Not Broken:
I've also heard people talking about the male 15k version, and 15k female tormentor having a fuzzy midsection. This I can vouch for, as I used to have 15k tormentor, before salvaging it to clear space. It really did look like crap about the waist....
Anyhow.. fix the shoes please.
Assassin 15k Luxon leggings, the stockings have a clear gap on the back of the knee, pretty annoying.
Fix theeeeem.
Wow, that does look pretty bad. Has anyone else noticed that there are a lot of screwups in the armors? Take a good look at 15k female gladiators. If your character has fairly pale skin, you can see a lot of messy brown 'overspray' where the colour of the armor has bled off of the pieces themselves, and onto the character. That and blotches in both 1.5 and 15k armors that just do not hold any colour at all.
I noticed this in some other armors too, I forget which ones but that's besides the point.
If there is indeed such problems, they ought to be fixed.
If there is indeed such problems, they ought to be fixed.
Theres been 'the bulge' in Gladiators armor since the dawn of freakin prophocies. Why would they fix these armors when they've never touched the old ones?
Originally Posted by CHUIU
Theres been 'the bulge' in Gladiators armor since the dawn of freakin prophocies. Why would they fix these armors when they've never touched the old ones?
endgame male ranger: from the waist down the armor is too bright, you see the borderline
I'm quite happy with my 15k Luxon Female Elementalist... just to add some good PR to the thread...
***Note the glove/sleeve on his left, your right
I've noticed more and more collisions now that I have been looking for them. I guess it is like, never seeing a volkswagon, then buying one and suddenly, it seems everyone on the block drove one..
There is a collision like this on the right upper thigh of female 15k Kurzick too. I think from the posture the warrior has whilst standing. Still annoying though.
There is a collision like this on the right upper thigh of female 15k Kurzick too. I think from the posture the warrior has whilst standing. Still annoying though.
check the male 15k ascalon helm, the ears are lopsided. VERY annoying now that i noticed them
15k ritualist female luxon chest armor have a pretty obvious armor feature clipping too.
Shantel Span
There's some serious distortion on my warrior in his 15k Luxon armour on the waistline when walking/running...
1.5k Droks Domination mask on a Canthan male face. The cheeks and chin have some major clipping problems. It seems the male mesmers Canthan faces are slightly larger than their Tyrian counterparts.
August August
you get a "dirt" ring around your shins if you are a female Asssassin wearing the Canthan 15k Skirt with no boots.
Keep the flaws coming! Maybe AN will fx their art if they see the extent of the visual errors! ^^
1.5k Canthan Attire, the flaw isn't clearly visible if the hose is of same color..
In the screenshot, the char isn't wearing a hose, so the purple patches are from the mesmer underwear. Clipping occurs with the hose, but if it's same color, it can't be noticed that easy.. But once you spot it, it'll haunt you till eternity :P
killer toast
My friend trying to buy the rest of his fow on necro but cant yet afford it so hes stuck with this ;p
Oh and almost forgot when you walk backwards and strafe you gotta love this ;D
Oh and almost forgot when you walk backwards and strafe you gotta love this ;D
Ew, the last one actually looks like elbow fractures... *shudder*
Speaking of mesmer.. there is discolouration on the 1.5 courtly hose, right in the center.. *cough* .. sort of looks like the girl couldn't wait to go... >> And when you try to dye, and cover it up, it only looks worse.
Speaking of mesmer.. there is discolouration on the 1.5 courtly hose, right in the center.. *cough* .. sort of looks like the girl couldn't wait to go... >> And when you try to dye, and cover it up, it only looks worse.
Dragon Scythes: If you are weilding dragon scythes and scroll out to a certain degree, a triangular part of the blades disappear.
Earth Scrolls: If you zoom out to a certain degree, the excess paper hanging off the scroll disappears.
Earth Scrolls: If you zoom out to a certain degree, the excess paper hanging off the scroll disappears.
ok i dont post much, normally i lurk around but this armor bugs me the most.
i mean i love the design but almost everywere the armor meets the skin looks like drit. it looks like my ranger needs a bath!
btw its the luxon 1.5k
i mean i love the design but almost everywere the armor meets the skin looks like drit. it looks like my ranger needs a bath!
btw its the luxon 1.5k
I trashed my 15k platemail helm when I saw this...
killer toast
i dont see anything lol whoops ya i see it god im blind >< what is that though your ear?
Originally Posted by killer toast
i dont see anything lol whoops ya i see it god im blind >< what is that though your ear?
Former Ruling
This isnt an armor problem, but a problem with an entire character model.
The Male Ritualist.
The male ritualist's hand hovers WAYYY to close to his hip, this cuases most focii to "clip" into his armor or even worse, his leg.
Don't have to screenshot it - just roll a pvp Ritualist, 70% of all the focii avialable clips into atleast his armor, and the bigger ones seem to cut his leg in half.
The Male Ritualist.
The male ritualist's hand hovers WAYYY to close to his hip, this cuases most focii to "clip" into his armor or even worse, his leg.
Don't have to screenshot it - just roll a pvp Ritualist, 70% of all the focii avialable clips into atleast his armor, and the bigger ones seem to cut his leg in half.
Male Ranger Droknar's Forge Wilderness Survival mask. Some clipping problems.
Da Cebuano
LoL, didn't realize so many girls play GW only you girls would notice something like this
Anyway, all these bugs are present even in 1.5k armor, anet is too busy adding in updates like..... well w/e they feel like updating, which is mostly stuff that are outta the wall, although this seems to petty to get much attention, still GL.
Anyway, all these bugs are present even in 1.5k armor, anet is too busy adding in updates like..... well w/e they feel like updating, which is mostly stuff that are outta the wall, although this seems to petty to get much attention, still GL.
i really hate this bug (15k canthan endgame)
it's totaly ugly!
it's totaly ugly!
Originally Posted by Rogier
i really hate this bug (15k canthan endgame)
it's totaly ugly! |
Originally Posted by Former Ruling
This isnt an armor problem, but a problem with an entire character model.
The Male Ritualist. The male ritualist's hand hovers WAYYY to close to his hip, this cuases most focii to "clip" into his armor or even worse, his leg. Don't have to screenshot it - just roll a pvp Ritualist, 70% of all the focii avialable clips into atleast his armor, and the bigger ones seem to cut his leg in half. |
yup, i use fan once inawhile on my rit, and it goes cutting into his leg.... i HATE seeing that, its so bad, they didnt realise it would cut into the leg?? it was placed to face into the body of the char holding it way too much, its at least 75 degrees into the leg, just so it looks like its between the fingers to hold it..
cause i know the base form of the hand is always a fist, to hold rods etc on both sides so... well i can understand their efforts, i still would like a different hand form for those fans and other focii that cause the problems on their side time? its fair to ask, cause the amount of collision it causes is very bad.
cause i know the base form of the hand is always a fist, to hold rods etc on both sides so... well i can understand their efforts, i still would like a different hand form for those fans and other focii that cause the problems on their side time? its fair to ask, cause the amount of collision it causes is very bad.
Lady Lozza
While we are at it can we please have the "arm warmers" for the 15k Kurzick, like the original artwork, PLEASE!
Oh the clipping on the 15k Kurzick needs fixing too. Weapons and capes disappearing into the dress is NOT a cool look.
Oh the clipping on the 15k Kurzick needs fixing too. Weapons and capes disappearing into the dress is NOT a cool look.
Yeha, half the time I won't even bother with the cape. Looks like crap, half in and half out of the armor.
Scooby Dont
Here is the problem with 15K Male Luxon Necro armor.
Former Ruling
Originally Posted by Scooby Dont
Here is the problem with 15K Male Luxon Necro armor.
The top of your necro is in the sun, so its lighter, and the boots are in a appear darker.
Scooby Dont
Trust me it's not the lighting, I dyed my armor all silver and I almost threw up when I saw how disgusting it looked.
Ventius Hozza
Originally Posted by Former Ruling
That just looks like lighting effects.
The top of your necro is in the sun, so its lighter, and the boots are in a appear darker. |
um...i can see that there are some bugs but some of the bugs arnt even noticable like kaguya's sin wouldnt have a gap if she wore some shoes and you know, if u dont like how the headpiece looks just turn it off..
Capes have always had clipping issues.......and the old "disappearing cape under water" error was still in effect last time I checked...