I'm a N/x. Is there anywhere in cantha that I can effectively solo? I am also able to set up 55.
Soloing Factions
Sozan Valmont
Deacon Roswell
Try looking in the Necromancer forum located here: http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/f...play.php?f=208
Try to the west of Shing Jea Monestary. It's a popular spot, many people were soloing there last week for Jade Orbs.
Soloing Yetis in Jaya Bluffs is pretty easy for any high level character. Decent drops and they can usually be picked off one or two at a time.
i 55 those 6 Jade Brotherhoods outside of Marketplace (Wajjun Bazaar) you can get some gold armor