Cynn related to Rurik? Devona?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006



Well I don't know if this has been brought up before and it's possible the lore has the specifics to say otherwise... however

I was in presearing and saw Cynn. I talked to her and she said she was waiting for her dad... just around the corner up the hill was the King overseeing the fight of the charr... so I was wondering if that's who she was implying and thus Rurik would be her brother....

Then she goes on to say "if you see Captian Devona tell her... oh nevermind" which made me think that if Rurik and the King aren't releated to her perhaps Devona was her sister looking for word for their father? The lore could possibly put my wonder to rest but i just thought it was interesting...


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2006

What the manuscripts say about Cynn and Devona:

A former child prodigy, Cynn always had people catering to her every whim. Her family was among the nobility in the city of Surmia—until the Charr invasion and the Searing. When Ascalon was destroyed, Cynn was caught outside the Wall (Surmia was one of the first places to fall during the initial assault). A magical projectile fell directly upon her palatial home, killing her parents and trapping her under a broken table for several days.

Devona is quite serious and very direct in her dealings with other people. She aspires to be a great Warrior, just like her father. Sometimes this aspiration turns into a tremendous internal pressure to succeed. Devona's father was one of the leaders of a prestigious and highly respected guild—Ascalon's Chosen. He lost his life defending the city walls against a raid by an Orrian guild during the last Guild War. Devona was only a little girl at the time, but since that day, she has dedicated her life to mastering the martial arts of sword and hammer.

You can read the rest of them yourself if interested.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005

Canada, eh?

Legion Of Valhalla


Cynn lived with her family in Surmia in a palatial home. They were rich, but they weren't direct royalty.
Devona's father was Mordakai, one of the members of Ascalon's Chosen, a guild that served King Adelbern. They came from Rin, the former capital of Ascalon.

The two are not related, and neither of them daughters of King Adelbern.
It is possible, however, that Cynn's father was related to King Adelbern (possibly his brother), but niece is the closest thing she'd be to him.

And if you read through the Lore, I don't remember which one precisely, you will find that Devona and Cynn only met after the searing, when Devona, Mhenlo, and Aidan were starting over the Shiverpeaks.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006



yeah i really should read the lore lol it does sound very interesting and would probably make the game more enjoyable. anyway thanks for clearing that up~

Commander Ryker

Site Contributor

Join Date: Jun 2005


Cynn is Orion's sister.



Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006

Defending the gates of the Ascalon Settlement


Direct quote from either manual about Cynn...

"Her family was among the noblility in the city of sumaria...."

also, neither manual mentions anything about when Cynn and Devona met.

It only says that Eve meets the previously mentioned pair's group in a graveyeard while being chased by Charr after the searing.