in game time
funey mounky
it would help for festivals and player to player communication such as "where going to GvG at 9:00am in game time (igt)"
Yes, it would help with festivals.
Hidden in the Mist
Originally Posted by funey mounky
"where going to GvG at 9:00am in game time (igt)"
Do you mean the game having it's own time like Phantasy Star Online. If you meant like having the game display a bulletin to tell everyone in the guild a message then...that's what the Guild Bulletin is for.
funey mounky
i ment the game having its own time
have it based on a 24 hour military time so meet you here at 13:05 GT <game time>
Hidden in the Mist
Originally Posted by funey mounky
i ment the game having its own time