pets and changing professions


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2006


Hello! I've been looking around for this, sorry if I've missed it posted somewhere else.

I'm a monk and want to use ranger as my secondary so I can have a pet. There are sitations where I use ME as my secondary though. I tested changing professions with a pet and found strange results. I got the pheonix, then changed back to ME, zoned a couple times, changed back to ranger and the pet was gone when going into new zones. When I started the mission to get into Divine Path, though, the pheonix mysteriously reappeared as my pet without having to recapture him. I tried recreating this appearance and have not been successful. Sahnlae the Tamer even seems to think I don't have a pet after changing back to ranger.

When changing secondary professions, do I normally need to reaquire my pet and re-level him as well? Seems that the phonix' reappearance wasnt supposed to happen?




Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006

hmmm did u remember to put charm animal back into ur build after u changed profession?




Join Date: Dec 2005

In the woods

Elite Crew


when you aquire a pet he is yours till you sell him to a tammer..
the reason you lost your pet when you changed your secondary is that only a ranger profession can have a pet.. so when you changed to mes.. you lost your "charm animal" skill that is required to have your pet..

and no when you change your profession to mes and back.. when you equipt charm animal in your skillbar your pet will be back with you.. same level as he was before


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2006


daaar oh yea. Thanks!!