Possibility to remove titles completly
This might sound strange, but I'd really like to remove some of my titles. I don't feel lik having "76 Fame" in my title screen, I'd much rather have nothing there at all. In fact, I really want to remove all of my account wide titles, as they'll never be maxed (since that's not even possible afaik), and that makes those titles look stupid.
For example, wouldn't it look cool if you only had 6 titles for example:
Legendary Survivor (1,337,500 xp)
Protector of Cantha (13/13)
Protector of Tyria (25/25)
Canthan Grandmaster Cartographer (100%)
Tyrian Grandmaster Cartographer (100%)
Kind of A Big Deal (5/5)
But in my case, it would be something like this:
76 Fame
Legendary Survivor (1,337,500 xp)
Protector of Cantha (13/13)
8 Gladiator Points
Protector of Tyria (25/25)
20,031 tickets won
4,132 games lost
Canthan Grandmaster Cartographer (100%)
Tyrian Grandmaster Cartographer (100%)
Kind of A Big Deal (5/5)
The second one looks so stupid compared to the first one, right? That's why I'd like to get rid of some of my titles.
For example, wouldn't it look cool if you only had 6 titles for example:
Legendary Survivor (1,337,500 xp)
Protector of Cantha (13/13)
Protector of Tyria (25/25)
Canthan Grandmaster Cartographer (100%)
Tyrian Grandmaster Cartographer (100%)
Kind of A Big Deal (5/5)
But in my case, it would be something like this:
76 Fame
Legendary Survivor (1,337,500 xp)
Protector of Cantha (13/13)
8 Gladiator Points
Protector of Tyria (25/25)
20,031 tickets won
4,132 games lost
Canthan Grandmaster Cartographer (100%)
Tyrian Grandmaster Cartographer (100%)
Kind of A Big Deal (5/5)
The second one looks so stupid compared to the first one, right? That's why I'd like to get rid of some of my titles.
really... deal with it. sheesh. I'd be glad with any of those titles. You got KoaBD and you're complaining? -.-`
(only one I got is protector of Tyria, and likely to stay that way unless I find the last remaining map spots to explore)
(only one I got is protector of Tyria, and likely to stay that way unless I find the last remaining map spots to explore)
I wouldn't be complaining if I had KOABD, but I don't

Ah, kk, it seemed that way (KOABD 5/5) I have KOABD (1/5). Needs lots of work... cartographer might be an option on both lands. Protector.. maybe... thats 4/5. then 1 more... Drunkard? sigh...
The OCD part of my brain agrees with this suggestion. It's annoying to see "2 rare items identified" whenever I want to go for a title. =/
August August
I think the ones from the dragon festival should have been removed if the player did not unlock any title from them.
Originally Posted by August August
I think the ones from the dragon festival should have been removed if the player did not unlock any title from them.

I agree on being able to remove across the account titles. Games of chance ones have no interest to me. I don't plan on spending the time needed to aquire those titles anyway. Just maybe the option to not even show them in your hero listing.
Kneegro Jones
agree you should be able to hide, or remove titles. i have unluck and lucky titles tracks with like 100 points in them, i will never max them or try too. as wll as the sugar/sweets tilte i got 1 point in it. just 1 i want that gone from my title bar.
Meh... i recently added to my list of shitty pointless titles by trying out Hero Battles.
Now along with my 70ish Gamer points from Beetle racing, 8 Glad points and 145k Faction donated i have an annoying slot for 2 commander points... Taking up space and i don't even want the f*cking thing.
Now along with my 70ish Gamer points from Beetle racing, 8 Glad points and 145k Faction donated i have an annoying slot for 2 commander points... Taking up space and i don't even want the f*cking thing.
well titles orginize them selves by compleation so you could ignore the ones towards the bottom..... but really i guess if you want... really in my eyes i will never disable my titles cause i want the motivation to compleate them....
but what i would like is the titles set apart on diff tabs like pvp titles, tyria titles, cantha titles, elona titles, and other titles*ie drunkard sweet tooth ect* that would make it easier to find the titles you want.
but what i would like is the titles set apart on diff tabs like pvp titles, tyria titles, cantha titles, elona titles, and other titles*ie drunkard sweet tooth ect* that would make it easier to find the titles you want.
Hehe they do NOW tenshi. Thread necromancy FTL!
But anyway, yeah titles could use some additional organization (minimize/maximize options, sorting options, etc similar to the skill page).
But anyway, yeah titles could use some additional organization (minimize/maximize options, sorting options, etc similar to the skill page).
>.< didnt look at dates.... lol oh well my main idea still holds lol
The Legg
Agree completely
Me and my guildies all have about 1-2k of kurzick faction transfered on our titles screen which is left over from the factions preview event. We are a luxon guild and work on our luxon title transfer not the kurzick one. Please let us be able to get rid of title tracks that we will never ever max or spend time on.
If we cannot get rid of them a function to hide them would be the next best thing I guess.
Needs sorting please anet
Me and my guildies all have about 1-2k of kurzick faction transfered on our titles screen which is left over from the factions preview event. We are a luxon guild and work on our luxon title transfer not the kurzick one. Please let us be able to get rid of title tracks that we will never ever max or spend time on.
If we cannot get rid of them a function to hide them would be the next best thing I guess.
Needs sorting please anet
It doesn't make sense. Sure, the list of titles grows, but what's wrong with a bit of scrolling? I'm sure ANet has way more important things to do.
It doesn't make sense. Sure, the list of titles grows, but what's wrong with a bit of scrolling? I'm sure ANet has way more important things to do.
I'll admit, sometimes it's annoying when I want to check the progression of my titles (such at seeker of wisdom, exploration of Elona) as I'm doing PvE and I must scroll through 20 of them to find the one I want. But yeah, other than the inconvenience and my perfectionist mindset, I see no real reason that Anet should waste time on this.
Honestly...is this REALLY needed? If you think so, why not just suggest expandable tabs (click the + button) for each "type" of title. So Explorer titles would go under the "Explorer" list etc. If you wanted to see all your titles at once (like now), there should be an option for that too.
I personally don't have a problem though.
I personally don't have a problem though.
I suppose its one of those things, personannly i want to max everything, and would not delete a title, even the pvp impossible ones, some day i will achieve a bambi, however i can understand some not wanting certain titles and wishing tohave a tidy screen where they can either delete them or hide them
However I also agree with the statements pointing out that Anet have far better thigns to do with their time than this cosmetic thing
However I also agree with the statements pointing out that Anet have far better thigns to do with their time than this cosmetic thing

Bryant Again
Aw I thought you meant all titles.
Master Ketsu
I would much rather anet spend time to work on things that need fixing rather then add a minor feature that no one really needs.
I would much rather anet spend time to work on things that need fixing rather then add a minor feature that no one really needs.
Why not just make it like the Attributes panel and the Quest Log and make it expandable/collapsable for account-wide and individual titles?
You'll never now when you'll go for a title
You'll probably regret it, when you have removed some poijts from it.
You can't resign experiencce points or skill points, can't you...?
You'll probably regret it, when you have removed some poijts from it.
You can't resign experiencce points or skill points, can't you...?
Kneegro Jones
i like at minimum to rearrange titles. moves ones to the bottom you dont want to see, or to relocate the and organise them in collapsible and expandable sections
I've seen a post like this before, were the OP wanted to remove titles from his list because it was apparently "an issue".
I have to say, I dont see why its a problem?
The title menu is something, I personally, look at very rarely! I maybe open it up about 3 or 4 times, within 3 hours of playing. If at all.
The way I see it, most people have one title they like to show off, and they tend to stick to it the majority of the time.
This means you spend very little time, in the title window.
Plus how is having 76+ titles listed in a window, that isnt obstructive, and can be hiddent, and is rarely view, cause you a problem?
And you state, that you have NO max titles right. So why are you bothered about titles? If you never use your titles, then why are you bothered about the title window?
Dont use it!
Its one of those things, that if you dont want to bother with it, you DONT have to.
I dont think this is something Anet should waste time and effort on IMO! And what if you later want those titles back? what if you change your mind.
You basically want a way to re-arrange and chance the order of the titles menu. That isnt exactly a priority in the grand scheme of the game.
/not signed because its completely redudant, because you can completely ignore the titles anyway.
I have to say, I dont see why its a problem?
The title menu is something, I personally, look at very rarely! I maybe open it up about 3 or 4 times, within 3 hours of playing. If at all.
The way I see it, most people have one title they like to show off, and they tend to stick to it the majority of the time.
This means you spend very little time, in the title window.
Plus how is having 76+ titles listed in a window, that isnt obstructive, and can be hiddent, and is rarely view, cause you a problem?
And you state, that you have NO max titles right. So why are you bothered about titles? If you never use your titles, then why are you bothered about the title window?
Dont use it!
Its one of those things, that if you dont want to bother with it, you DONT have to.
I dont think this is something Anet should waste time and effort on IMO! And what if you later want those titles back? what if you change your mind.
You basically want a way to re-arrange and chance the order of the titles menu. That isnt exactly a priority in the grand scheme of the game.
/not signed because its completely redudant, because you can completely ignore the titles anyway.