Now they just get new accounts, buy a new set of runes, and the prices skyrocket.

Terra Xin
Former Ruling
Originally Posted by Former Ruling
/notsigned and further more I would probably quit the game if they did something so stupid lol.
Example: *Mass Bans 4000 accounts* (1000 or so of which were worngly banned) *All runes from these go to trader. *MANY of the bans were wrong, and they start giving the accounts back. *Joe-Nobody logs into freshly regotten account and finds out all of his expensive runes are gone (which probably means his FoW ARmor that runes were on are gone) Joe-Nobody comes to Guru and makes 50000000 topics about how he is ragequiting the game now. And rightly so. |
Originally Posted by Helios
Do it! It'll give people a nice price break on runes when bots get mass banned.
Hidden in the Mist