
The Bronsonato

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2006

Hello. Due to my futile attempt to contact Guild Wars personel about my question concerning White Mantle armor, I have decided to come here.

If anyone else thinks the White Mantle armor is as cool as I do. I would like you to join me in my efforts to making it player armor. I would like it to replace the exotic armor found in wajuun bazaar, seeing as that armor is completely lame.

If there is anyone else that agrees with me please add your name and response in this thread. Then perhaps we will get what we desire.

Thank you,
Eternal Bronsonato

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

wont happen..

chapter 1 is now over a year old, anet should be looking foward not back..chap3 isnt that far away all their efforts should be aimed at that and making it far superior to factions (which wont be that hard)

tbh chap1 might get the odd green weapon added but i cant see them adding any major updates to it now.