Chose how you want your armor to look!
i think we should be able to pick out specific things such as elbow plate, knee plate, shoulder pads, gloves, shoes, etc. instead of just picking out which 15k armor you want. we should be able to put more materials into it to alter the look. the more materials, the more choices.
kinda like how in Oblivion you get to chose what your face looks like EXATLY how you want it... we should get the same for armor =D
tell me what you think
kinda like how in Oblivion you get to chose what your face looks like EXATLY how you want it... we should get the same for armor =D
tell me what you think
Oblivion, even though I havnt played it will only have a certaiin, limited number of choices in faces, and would never be able to have it exactly how u want it.
What if you wanted your eyes to be different colours.
Anyway, on topic, more choices in armour design means more server load, means a slower game.
What if you wanted your eyes to be different colours.
Anyway, on topic, more choices in armour design means more server load, means a slower game.
Oblivions character creation is hugely in depth ...
yeah, for a game that focuses so much on looking good, there are so few customization options..
ANet never said they would or wouldn't improve armor customization. We still have 4 more chapters on the way. There is always the possiblity they will improve things.
I would love armor and ESPECIALLY character face customization...
Armor customization similar to City of Heroes/Villains would rock, I think. Very little server lag in that game, too. So it's possible.
Ive no idea how does the armor customisation looks like in CoH / CoV, but if it gives a variety of choice to armor and its look, and still not making the server lag more, then why not.
Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
Armor customization similar to City of Heroes/Villains would rock, I think. Very little server lag in that game, too. So it's possible.
Thats because they pay monthly. It takes HUGE servers not to lag, and that means more money.

I'm with you guys though. Most people are very visual and would love to see more of this incorporated in the game. I would like to see Guild leaders and officers wear a distinctive peice of armor. For that matter, members should be given the same type of deal but perhaps based on Faction points, or their titles.
Monthly games has more descriptiveness in it's design, as for GW now it's design is superb on a non-monthly game.
I agree that it would take bigger servers... but if you think about it, Anet is planning on releasing a new chapter every 6 months for 50$ a pop. That comes out to over 8$ a month... so i think they can make a lot more improvements (not saying that it's bad right now or anything)