White Dye: to balance with Black Dye, only sensible.
Ghostly Dye: this would be an unmixable dye that would make you actually invisible on that area of armor to look like a slightly green and transparent ghost. I think this would be completely possible to be done.
Boss Aura Dyes : these would come in 8 different colors and be unmixable. They would shine like boss auras and would only drop from bosses and have their name in green such as: [color=green]Assassin Aura Dye[/color] and would give the armor the look of a boss. Or update the silver dye to not look gray, but actually look shiny silver. Then if you want the old color silver mix a white and black to make a gray. Tah dah.
And yes, I know that those HTML color tags don't work, just use your imagination.
New Dyes
Kai Nui