So I was solo farming a boss that was close to the entry point on the map, and about the 20th time killing him I got a message that said something about "if you repeatedly just kill the first few monsters and re-enter the map again, the monsters will start to become 'low on loot'."
There is an update that reads "...substantially improved the loot system so that only the most extreme forms of farming will cause monsters to start to run low on loot." (heres the link)
My question is will their loot replenish after a while? And does this spread to all of the account's characters, all players in Guild Wars, or just the player doing the 'extreme forms of farming'???
thanks for anyone's input.
Monster drops for "extreme farming"
Riven Asunder
The Herbalizer
I find if you switch chars and do something else it should "reset". You sometimes see mo/wa's randomly teleporting into towns running around then leaving I assume the bots do this to counter the anti-farm code. I am not sure if it affects your other chars though.