Post Pictures of armour dyed "UNIQUELY" - Also post your Dye Combo!
Da Cebuano
I mean like armors that tend to stick out due to scheme.
The facial scar is dyed purple.
The rest is dyed 2 blues + 1 green for each armor to pull off a really nice and relatively unseen teal sort of color. Never seen another necro with the same full thing before.
Dont have a pic but one of my friends as a knigh armour with chest and leg dyed black and the rest black, looks really cool.
Here is my Green+Yellow colour on ful desert collectors elementalist set:

And again, with 15k Aero shirt:
And again, with 15k Aero shirt:
The Red Knight
2 green 1 yellow 1 purp
2 green 1 yellow 1 purp

Da Cebuano
Man, I've tried the whole yellow + dye remover thing, never seems to work for me, always acts like plain dye remover.
Helm is 2 Black and a Yellow.
Chest is Black + Silver + Yellow.
Rest are 1 Silver + 1 Yellow.
I love it.
Chest is Black + Silver + Yellow.
Rest are 1 Silver + 1 Yellow.
I love it.

heres my donation...^_^
I love that teal color. I think I ought to dye my monks armor something of that sort...blueish green...(not to steal it or anything).
Grigori Sokolov
Hello, first post here.
Its not totally different, but here is the 1.5k knights armor dyed purple and blue
Its not totally different, but here is the 1.5k knights armor dyed purple and blue
Well its not really stand out material, but i just love my purple monk...
and here are two very sexy bonus picture
The sexy ponder
straight out of Compton yall.. sexy pout
By the way does anyone know the secrect to getting a pink dye mix?
and here are two very sexy bonus picture
The sexy ponder
straight out of Compton yall.. sexy pout
By the way does anyone know the secrect to getting a pink dye mix?
Eskimo Bob
I know for warrior armor (knights at least) purple+yellow makes pink...
Xue Yi Liang
This is knight's armor with green+silver - gives a nice teal effect.
Mr. Niceguy

15k Surgeon's set.

Da Cebuano
Its not dyed, but I love how awesome everything looks together ^^ perfect look for hammer warrs IMHO.
Q(*-*Q) kirbys MONSTER ARMOR 100 AL + 50 vs foes
Originally Posted by PieXags
The facial scar is dyed purple.
The rest is dyed 2 blues + 1 green for each armor to pull off a really nice and relatively unseen teal sort of color. Never seen another necro with the same full thing before. How the hell did you get that ?

You said 2 blue and green, but is that Green+Blue+Blue (So adding a blue to a green, then another blue to the mixed?), or Blue+Blue+Green or something else?
So annoying that I see this NOW - having just wasted 3k on dyes to try and get a Teal colour on my 15k Necrotic, and ended up with Green, now having to spend more to get the colour I want.
here are my 4 character.....i just recently deleted my necro to make a ranger so i will update this once my ranger gets a nice color.
How about this monk?
Grigori Sokolov
Originally Posted by TubamanRH
everything dyed orange+yellow+purple except the weapon because the haft turned green when i tried
Xomah of Denyle
jonny5v, how'd you get the pink and maroon for necro and ele armors?
Maxpower... is your sword possibly +15% damage while in stance? And your shield +45 health -2 damage while in stance?
no my sword is the one +15% while enchanted (outside of the dunes mission, 5 mandibles :P) and the shield is a 12 ac / 45hp /-2 while enchanted from a collector :P
Originally Posted by Da Cebuano
Its not dyed, but I love how awesome everything looks together ^^ perfect look for hammer warrs IMHO.
And thats exactly what my hammer warrior looks like
And thats exactly what my hammer warrior looks like

my w/mo with his knight set dyed with my secret gold mix
Xomah of Denyle
I like to call that Accidental Peach.
Was aiming for gold, and at first sight it fooled me too.
But with further inspectation it turned out it's not gold, here's my Crystal Desert Collector outfit in different lighting.
Was aiming for gold, and at first sight it fooled me too.
But with further inspectation it turned out it's not gold, here's my Crystal Desert Collector outfit in different lighting.
Originally Posted by Da Cebuano
Its not dyed, but I love how awesome everything looks together ^^ perfect look for hammer warrs IMHO.
is that the citadel or grotto 15K gladiator armor?
is that the citadel or grotto 15K gladiator armor?
Originally Posted by Tsunami
is that the citadel or grotto 15K gladiator armor?
The 15k gladiator is only gotten at the grotto, along with the ascalon set. Granite has Platemail and Dragon.
In this picture he wears 15k gladiator boots, leggings, and chest. 1.5k knights gloves and a collectors helmet i believe...
In this picture he wears 15k gladiator boots, leggings, and chest. 1.5k knights gloves and a collectors helmet i believe...
Da Cebuano
actually the leggings is just standard droknars leggings 1.5k, didn't like the 15k leggings.
Catalin Dracul
Originally Posted by Bartimus
my w/mo with his knight set dyed with my secret gold mix any chance you could tell me that dye mix

Originally Posted by Da Cebuano
Man, I've tried the whole yellow + dye remover thing, never seems to work for me, always acts like plain dye remover.
you sue dye remover on dye, before usin it on armor

The new Gold

man, nice axe
my pink ranger outfit scheme.
Xomah of Denyle
nice pink, but where's the ranger?
this is my ranger, just felt like mixing random dyes together
this is my ranger, just felt like mixing random dyes together
Originally Posted by Xomah of Denyle
nice pink, but where's the ranger?
i thought that too, but perhaps is a reference to power rangers?
This is my old warrior with just a jumble of dyes. The helmet is just blue, the chest and legs are blue+green, the bracers are red+silver, and the boots are red+orange+something else, maybe purple. Red+silver makes pink, for whomever it was that was wandering. Later, I dyed that sword purple.
My 15k mesmer dyed gold