Post Pictures of armour dyed "UNIQUELY" - Also post your Dye Combo!
Angel Develin
Warrior in Jade color 

My Necro. Nothing done with dyes apart from simple silver on leggings and boots.
I did see a Necro just like that, but different boots earlier.
But I like his look anyway :P
My Necro. Nothing done with dyes apart from simple silver on leggings and boots.
I did see a Necro just like that, but different boots earlier.
But I like his look anyway :P
Alexi Jotun
I like this color, but lately I've seen a lot of other people ripping me off.. >: (
Rex the Unloving
Originally Posted by Maxiemonster
never realized how beautiful the detail on that armor was. And heres mine:
finally decided to try new colors 
Got some help from HellKite on war color

Got some help from HellKite on war color


Red+purple+red on 15k Luxon.
It's pink and totally not scary for a necro, but I love it. It's flashy, it stands out. I think I've only seen another one with 15k Luxon red+purple (but with the ton of people playing GW, I highly doubt I'm the only one with this kinda mix). For now, I'm sticking with this

I'm aiming for an ever brighter pink, and I think red+purple+red+dye remover might work... but I'm too cheap to start trying it out on the whole armor (for full effect).
EDIT: After correcting the multiple typos, time to head to bed >_>...
Peach is the new pink!
The armor definitely isn't unique, but the color isn't so common:

It's blue + purple. I think it'd look better with a silver or two mixed in.

It's blue + purple. I think it'd look better with a silver or two mixed in.
Originally Posted by ixg
Peach is the new pink!
Looks more of a seared flesh, then peach.
Looks more of a seared flesh, then peach.
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by sickkk
finally decided to try new colors 
Got some help from HellKite on war color
Aaaaand I'm takin' it your not gonna tell us that war color, eh ? -_-

Got some help from HellKite on war color

Originally Posted by Angel Develin
Juno Onuj
Originally Posted by Alexi Jotun
I like this color, but lately I've seen a lot of other people ripping me off.. >: (
lol, I dont think anyone is "ripping you off," that dye combo is very old.
lol, I dont think anyone is "ripping you off," that dye combo is very old.
Riken Chrono
i think i know sick's color, its a bit lighter on 15k glads, im not gonan say it here though..pm me ingame if you want
Loki Seiguro
i prefer the original color of glads......
and is it just me or is black dye just too over used...
and is it just me or is black dye just too over used...
That color on Sicks warrior.. I call it ETERNAL.. it was a little test woot.. turned out good.. other armors dont turn out as well..
yw sick.. to bad I spent 25k+ on my 15k kurz mes armorand no colors looked good.. I want brown.. any1 have a non Black+ x color?
yw sick.. to bad I spent 25k+ on my 15k kurz mes armorand no colors looked good.. I want brown.. any1 have a non Black+ x color?
My newest charr. Little Hex. Just love the mesmer proff. and this armor.
15k Kurzick. I think the colors are self explainatory.
Maria The Princess
Not really unique, though haven't seen anyone else with these colors
(on my ranger armor I've never seen anyone else use this dye)

Used old pics to save time
Note @ my storage: with it finally cleared I now have an uber 800k

Used old pics to save time

Note @ my storage: with it finally cleared I now have an uber 800k

The undead Mesmer
Yellow+orange+silver on both sets ^^
Juno Onuj
back to my original color. dont think ive seen this mix on anyone else.
Destro Maniak
Please dont missunderstand. This is not my armor. Actually this armor even isnt dyed uniquely. But I think dyeing ringmail armor black is already unique itself.

BTW I have kurzick 15k full black but I want to get Gladiator 15k. It will be easy because it doesnt want expensive material. I want dye advises for gladiator 15k. It may not be unique but it should look nice. I am male warrior.
BTW I have kurzick 15k full black but I want to get Gladiator 15k. It will be easy because it doesnt want expensive material. I want dye advises for gladiator 15k. It may not be unique but it should look nice. I am male warrior.
Riken Chrono
here's mine....
Vahn Roi
Dying your armor white or black is not typically considered 'unique'
Dying your armor white or black is not typically considered 'unique'
I was using standard black for a long time so with the new preview decided to take a look at some change for my FoW:
Came out rather nice I think.
Came out rather nice I think.
Here's mine, it's black+black+blue+yellow.
crazy diamond
Originally Posted by Loki Seiguro
and is it just me or is black dye just too over used...
It's not just you.
Not exactly "unique" but ive only seen 1 other person with it
i got a thing for this combo :/ my ele and assassin have it too :F
Not exactly "unique" but ive only seen 1 other person with it

i got a thing for this combo :/ my ele and assassin have it too :F
Knightsaber Sith
kinda unique just cause pretty much everyone with the primeval armor dyes it all black which seems rather dull to me
I belive the Helm, Gloves and Boots(Ascalon Parts) are Silver-Bown-Grey, and the chest and legging is Silver-Brown. I like it ^^
Super Ahriman with green silver combo

Originally Posted by Haijiibirdhead
Super Ahriman with green silver combo

looks like shes falling outta her top tbh, what type is it btw?
Mesmer in Need
she looks like a flower. but heres mine. pink ftw!
The body armour is purp+red, the shield is silver+purp+red, and the axe is green. (the chaos axe colors are inverted)
The body armour is purp+red, the shield is silver+purp+red, and the axe is green. (the chaos axe colors are inverted)
Originally Posted by KingKryton
looks like shes falling outta her top tbh, what type is it btw?
Vabbian Armour.
Here's my newest dye on Dead, it's Black+Blue+Green+Purple.
amish lifeguard
NUVA! my monk in pre has pink armor, will post pics later

The Last Anthem
Nuva did you dye your necro before the dye change or after? If you did after what combo did you use?
yeah I'm interested too. I had such color before the nerf, but it included dye remover
now I want it back, but I can't find the color.

Ivan Darklord
Check this dye, I like it more "pimp" than black 
Note: Doesn't Include Black Dye!

Note: Doesn't Include Black Dye!