Hi there, I'm just getting back into the game and I'm having trouble deciding what to play...
All the classes appeal to me in one form or another. Because of this, I was wondering what the most sought after for both PvE and PvP class is, and what class is the least played, in your opinion. Probably the classes that interest me the most so far are Monk and Necromancer, though as I said before I'm fine with anything.
Most Wanted/Rarest Class?
The most sought after class in PvP, and PvE is the healing monk. Enough said.
I figured that, except since healing is (relatively) fun in GW I thought maybe more people would have picked up Monk since I left, making it not as wanted. A straight up healing monk I will be rolling then..
Oh and just for curiousity's sake, what do you think the rarest is?
Oh and just for curiousity's sake, what do you think the rarest is?
Rarest would be mesmer primary.
Okay, things seem to have stayed the same then. Thanks for the help.