Another New Profession idea: Rider
Have a profession that is completely centered around his or her mount. It could be like anoter tank-like character.
How it would work:
Riders would be short and stocky(not so much as dwarves, but sort of in the middle of a Warrior and a Dwarf). By themselves, they would suck- hence the need for a mount. Instead of a shield(and/or weapon), you would have reins(Mandatory for any time you are mounted). Main attacks would come from the mount, not the toon. Rider's weapon/shield would be used to protect the mount more than anything. A slot in the skill bar also must be devoted(like for a pet) that allows you to get on/off your pet and also Rezes your pet if it dies. If you are off of your pet, it stays out of the aggro zone of any monsters(if directly targeted or it can't stay out for whatever reason, it just runs around until it's safe). Riders and mounts would have seperate health bars, and when the mount dies, the rider loses half thier health and three-forths of thier energy if they are on the mount(You could get off before it dies and only get the energy penalty). Riders without mount would only move half speed, and would have to run off to the side and then Rez thier pets. When mounted, I'd say 9 out of 10 blows would be taken by the mount.
I am thinking things like big Moa birds(attacks with beak and feet), Kamono-dragon-esk lizards(tail and mouth attack), giant devourers(claws and tail attack), and others. Basically anything that is big enough and has a place where the to could sit, and can attack while they stay there.
Speed - Mount would have to move at same speed and the rest of the party.
Comments? Suggestions?
Have a profession that is completely centered around his or her mount. It could be like anoter tank-like character.
How it would work:
Riders would be short and stocky(not so much as dwarves, but sort of in the middle of a Warrior and a Dwarf). By themselves, they would suck- hence the need for a mount. Instead of a shield(and/or weapon), you would have reins(Mandatory for any time you are mounted). Main attacks would come from the mount, not the toon. Rider's weapon/shield would be used to protect the mount more than anything. A slot in the skill bar also must be devoted(like for a pet) that allows you to get on/off your pet and also Rezes your pet if it dies. If you are off of your pet, it stays out of the aggro zone of any monsters(if directly targeted or it can't stay out for whatever reason, it just runs around until it's safe). Riders and mounts would have seperate health bars, and when the mount dies, the rider loses half thier health and three-forths of thier energy if they are on the mount(You could get off before it dies and only get the energy penalty). Riders without mount would only move half speed, and would have to run off to the side and then Rez thier pets. When mounted, I'd say 9 out of 10 blows would be taken by the mount.
I am thinking things like big Moa birds(attacks with beak and feet), Kamono-dragon-esk lizards(tail and mouth attack), giant devourers(claws and tail attack), and others. Basically anything that is big enough and has a place where the to could sit, and can attack while they stay there.
Speed - Mount would have to move at same speed and the rest of the party.
Comments? Suggestions?
crazy diamond
What is it with people wanting to ride animals so badly in this game? This isn't WoW!
Well, it was an idea. I really have no desire to ride an animal, but I thought the idea would ad a little diversity and a class that isn't in every other rpg known to man.
Edit> Also, this forum is really starting to go to hell. Well thought out threads get maybe 5 posts, and the hourly "lets bitch about Guild Wars" thread gets 4 pages. Not talking about my posts, btw... Although I did do my best to explain things and distance myself from the "it would be uber sweet badass if we could ride teh horsez!!!" posts.
Edit> Also, this forum is really starting to go to hell. Well thought out threads get maybe 5 posts, and the hourly "lets bitch about Guild Wars" thread gets 4 pages. Not talking about my posts, btw... Although I did do my best to explain things and distance myself from the "it would be uber sweet badass if we could ride teh horsez!!!" posts.
Originally Posted by Crowskie
I really have no desire to ride an animal, but I thought the idea would ad a little diversity and a class that isn't in every other rpg known to man.

I am trying to think of the 4 attributes and a few skills for each to add a little flesh to the bones of this idea. I have 3, but the fourth has me beating my head agianst the wall. That and the only thing on TV right now is Legally Blonde. *sigh* I hate this whole waiting for my g/f to get off work... lol.
well I like the idea, I think if you give mounts some disadvantages you can allow them to move faster, such as a larger aggro range and have the animals get scared and not listen to conmmands if theres is a lot of creatures around. I think they should have the option to carry weapons and almost be knight, though just a rider is cool in of itself too. I think mounts should be limited and be diffferent then ranger charmed animals, though you could ride ranger animals but you'd have to dual class for em. Maybe there skill should be braking the animal in to be sadled,
Well, the problem with them being faster is that the rest of the party stays the same speed, and that means two things: Riders have to stop and wait ALOT, and it makes it a perfect build by people that like to aggro mobs on purpose.
Originally Posted by Crowskie
I am trying to think of the 4 attributes and a few skills for each to add a little flesh to the bones of this idea. I have 3, but the fourth has me beating my head agianst the wall. That and the only thing on TV right now is Legally Blonde. *sigh* I hate this whole waiting for my g/f to get off work... lol.
Anywhooo, on a more productive note:
Mounts. They're WoW material. You know why?
Cuz WoW requires you to actually WALK from one area to another.
I played DAoC for about a year. And this was NOT what I was thinking when I needed to go from one spot to another:
"Mmm! Only another fourty silver to spend until I reach Howth!"
Bastards. Why did they have to make the Sylvan Valewalkers so sweet? I could have quit a hundred times if it weren't for my sweet as HELL Ezekal Hellscythe!
Onwards. We don't need mounts. We also don't need mounties; only the Canadians need those sorts of things. So please, for the love of Saint Padraig and all the Heavenly Hosts, drop the Mounts ideas.
Good day.
This is not, I repeat NOT about having something pretty to ride around on. This is more about using an animal as a primary weapon.
Anyhow, here are some suggested attributes and a few skills that kind of give you an idea what it does.
Animal Kinship-
This is the connection the rider has with his mount. It effects how one reacts to the other. Commands given to mounts are more effective, and the animal is encouraged to work harder for a short period of time.
-Get the Throat!- Command. Mount does *+10* damage and has a 50% chance to cause a *–10* health degeneration for 10 seconds.
Fighting the Elements-
Wind and rain are just some of the elements that can have an effect on anyone. This is multiplied for riders atop their mounts. The very best riders must not only know how to compensate for the elements, but use them to protect themselves and their mounts. Skills that are affected have to do with protection, especially those that involve absorbing elemental attacks and using them for self-defence.
-Elemental Shield- Spell. For 10 seconds, every elemental attack against you or a teammate has its damage reduced by 2. Those points are turned into a shield against elemental attacks for *30* seconds.
Legend has it that the greatest riders of all could see into the future. The truth is that they only knew how best to prepare themselves before leaving on an adventure. Skilles that are affected have to do with evading attacks and survival.
-Patch Wounds- Spell. For *10* seconds, your health regeneration increases by *10*, and you stop bleeding.
A rider’s ability on the saddle means everything. Not only are they expected to remain seated and command their mount, they are expected to do other things at the same time. Skills that are affected by this have to do with quickening actions, defending one’s mount, and staying in unity with it.
-Hold Tight- Stance. For *60* seconds, if your mount gets knocked down, you won’t get knocked off. If your mount dies, you don’t take a heath or energy point loss.
*__* = The suggested Attribute dependant stat.
I'll add more skills later, and fix the things that sound stupid. I took dome sinus meds for a headache and am about to crash, so I'm sure something is wacky sounding.
Anyhow, here are some suggested attributes and a few skills that kind of give you an idea what it does.
Animal Kinship-
This is the connection the rider has with his mount. It effects how one reacts to the other. Commands given to mounts are more effective, and the animal is encouraged to work harder for a short period of time.
-Get the Throat!- Command. Mount does *+10* damage and has a 50% chance to cause a *–10* health degeneration for 10 seconds.
Fighting the Elements-
Wind and rain are just some of the elements that can have an effect on anyone. This is multiplied for riders atop their mounts. The very best riders must not only know how to compensate for the elements, but use them to protect themselves and their mounts. Skills that are affected have to do with protection, especially those that involve absorbing elemental attacks and using them for self-defence.
-Elemental Shield- Spell. For 10 seconds, every elemental attack against you or a teammate has its damage reduced by 2. Those points are turned into a shield against elemental attacks for *30* seconds.
Legend has it that the greatest riders of all could see into the future. The truth is that they only knew how best to prepare themselves before leaving on an adventure. Skilles that are affected have to do with evading attacks and survival.
-Patch Wounds- Spell. For *10* seconds, your health regeneration increases by *10*, and you stop bleeding.
A rider’s ability on the saddle means everything. Not only are they expected to remain seated and command their mount, they are expected to do other things at the same time. Skills that are affected by this have to do with quickening actions, defending one’s mount, and staying in unity with it.
-Hold Tight- Stance. For *60* seconds, if your mount gets knocked down, you won’t get knocked off. If your mount dies, you don’t take a heath or energy point loss.
*__* = The suggested Attribute dependant stat.
I'll add more skills later, and fix the things that sound stupid. I took dome sinus meds for a headache and am about to crash, so I'm sure something is wacky sounding.
Riding a Dolyak or the Herder would be so funny

I think it would be cool to charge into battle riding on some big animal thing.
At least it would if GuildWars actually had large scale battles. It would be dumb in the little tiny arenas and guild halls we have now. "Oh...4...riders...that...kinda looks cool."
How about 20 of them charging towards the enemy with the warriors behind them. That would be cool.
At least it would if GuildWars actually had large scale battles. It would be dumb in the little tiny arenas and guild halls we have now. "Oh...4...riders...that...kinda looks cool."
How about 20 of them charging towards the enemy with the warriors behind them. That would be cool.
Heh this is an interesting idea I believe, most profession ideas ive seen are melee tanks and such, but this one has potential to be more......original than your average profession.
Jaythen Tyradel
As a class idea only...maybe if it is balanced properly. LIke a Dwarf riding and strider or wolf. (Fits to size of chracter and maybe dwarf wouldnt be as fast).
As an idea for anyone to ride? NO. As stated before this isnt WOW and there is no need for mounts.
As an idea for anyone to ride? NO. As stated before this isnt WOW and there is no need for mounts.
I actually like this idea. I think that a warhorse should be included in the available mounts. It would be easy to implement since they arleady have centaurs.
I wish people would get over the idea that this is a mount. It isn't it's a build. A class.
One hand should be free though for a weapon. Perhaps a lance.
I think that you are being a little harsh with the death penalty though. That far down I don't think you'd get a chance to rez your mount.
As for the attributes so far you are right on the money.
You have to add this to this thread
I wish people would get over the idea that this is a mount. It isn't it's a build. A class.
One hand should be free though for a weapon. Perhaps a lance.
I think that you are being a little harsh with the death penalty though. That far down I don't think you'd get a chance to rez your mount.
As for the attributes so far you are right on the money.
You have to add this to this thread