So I felt generous this evening...
Drakharran Zealot

Immortal Flame
So...where do you usually hang out in game?

Let's hope your generosity is contagious and those sporting several hundred platinum follow suit
Although it would upset me if someone just used them to trade with...

Although it would upset me if someone just used them to trade with...
Drakharran Zealot
Originally Posted by Immortal Flame
So...where do you usually hang out in game?
I hang out in Augury Rock, most often. Because its a small place and always filled with people.
And as for people trading them: Let them do whatever they want, I always prefer a "whoever: thx man." than standing around for 1,203,193,448 hours trying to sell what I get.

And as for people trading them: Let them do whatever they want, I always prefer a "whoever: thx man." than standing around for 1,203,193,448 hours trying to sell what I get.