WTS: Gold/Purple-> Swords/axes/bows/hammers/shield
Hello all, for many who don't know me, I'm going to try to keep this plain and simple. Bidding on a specific item will end if no one else bids for it within the next 48 hours from the latest bid. When you post your offer, include your ign and the number of the item. When the auction ends, I will pm the latest bidders my ign as well so that they can contact me or the other way around.
Starting Bid:500
Auction ends on July 16, Have fun Bidding!
Update on Latest Bidders:
2.2k - Ampel Own
3.5k - Natures Revenge
5.4k - xvitasx
6.6k - Shadow Point
9.5.5k - A Lone Wolf
10.3.5k - A Lone Wolf
14.5.5k - Ampel Own
15.1k - Zap rider
16.3k - Coud Akiru
19.(cancelled due to a stupid mistake that I did, very stupid)
Note: If You didn't leave me your ign that was supposed to be included with your bid, you'll be pmed about that and be given 24 hours to reply to the pm at the end of the auction, failure to respond will result in the last bidder before you wins. However if no bids, no winner on that item.
To xvitasx - Sorry i have to cancel it because i no longer have it anymore because it happend when i was material farming, and i kept pressing the "sell" button as fast as i can, i didnt realize that the last junk was under the ornate..i accidentally sold it to npc..damn i feell so stupid now..and GW is lagging for me for some reason..don't know why, it's not connection, takes a long time for the npc to pop up that window where it is buy/sell. so sorry vitas
Starting Bid:500
Auction ends on July 16, Have fun Bidding!
Update on Latest Bidders:
2.2k - Ampel Own
3.5k - Natures Revenge
5.4k - xvitasx
6.6k - Shadow Point
9.5.5k - A Lone Wolf
10.3.5k - A Lone Wolf
14.5.5k - Ampel Own
15.1k - Zap rider
16.3k - Coud Akiru
19.(cancelled due to a stupid mistake that I did, very stupid)
Note: If You didn't leave me your ign that was supposed to be included with your bid, you'll be pmed about that and be given 24 hours to reply to the pm at the end of the auction, failure to respond will result in the last bidder before you wins. However if no bids, no winner on that item.
To xvitasx - Sorry i have to cancel it because i no longer have it anymore because it happend when i was material farming, and i kept pressing the "sell" button as fast as i can, i didnt realize that the last junk was under the ornate..i accidentally sold it to npc..damn i feell so stupid now..and GW is lagging for me for some reason..don't know why, it's not connection, takes a long time for the npc to pop up that window where it is buy/sell. so sorry vitas
#19: 1k
IGN: Maljun Sarp
IGN: Maljun Sarp
Zap Rider
1k for 15
Nick The Nicker
1k for #9
Ign=The Arcane Acher
Ign=The Arcane Acher
#3 1k
edit: ign: aeger bane
edit: ign: aeger bane
Spadas Datum
#19: 2k
IGN: Spardas Datum, R E S C U E
IGN: Spardas Datum, R E S C U E
Bump of the night
Bump of the night
biding 3500 on #5
IGM = The Rock
IGM = The Rock
3.5k on 9
ign Warrior of Crom
ign Warrior of Crom
3.5k on #14
IGN Sonny DAye
IGN Sonny DAye
One winged angel
2k #6
IGN is right under my avy, give me a pm here though
IGN is right under my avy, give me a pm here though
2k on 3*
IGN: Timo Claw
IGN: Timo Claw
4.5k on 14
IGN Sonny Daye
IGN Sonny Daye
5K #3
IGN Natures Revenge
PM me here if I win
IGN Natures Revenge
PM me here if I win
06 - 2k5
09 - 4k5
10 - 2k5
IG Name : A Lone Wolf
09 - 4k5
10 - 2k5
IG Name : A Lone Wolf
06 - 2k5
09 - 5k5
10 - 3k5
IG Name : A Lone Wolf
06 - 2k5
09 - 5k5
10 - 3k5
IG Name : A Lone Wolf
Bump of the day
One winged angel
5k for 6
Sorry, taking my bid out
shadow point
6k on #6
IGN : Shadow Point
IGN : Shadow Point
bid for 9-10 are finished yet?
#9 and #10 bid will end by tomorrow if no bids...
Bump of the day
Bump of the day
Sorena Mascar
I have 8k on #6
7k on #9
Sorena Mascar.
7k on #9
Sorena Mascar.
Sorena Mascar
Is # 6 and 9 over now?
Let me know.
my ING is Sorena Mascar. I have the money just whisper me.
Let me know.
my ING is Sorena Mascar. I have the money just whisper me.
9.5.5k - A Lone Wolf
10.3.5k - A Lone Wolf
U said bid were finished the 16th, have i won 9-10? coz i've got some problem of access to GWGuru :s
I let u my IGN : A Lone Wolf / Iori Yoshizumi / Black Hierophant ( in order of where i'm the most )
10.3.5k - A Lone Wolf
U said bid were finished the 16th, have i won 9-10? coz i've got some problem of access to GWGuru :s
I let u my IGN : A Lone Wolf / Iori Yoshizumi / Black Hierophant ( in order of where i'm the most )
ya i did that once and from then on before i go to merchant i go to storage
I turn in everything of value even my sword and shield, since one time i was
id'ing and my sword got swaped for a nothing staff and then the merch got it
cause i didnt notice. So dont feel bad it think we've all done it. But gee
that was a nice shield probably 150-200K at least.
I turn in everything of value even my sword and shield, since one time i was
id'ing and my sword got swaped for a nothing staff and then the merch got it
cause i didnt notice. So dont feel bad it think we've all done it. But gee
that was a nice shield probably 150-200K at least.
Sorena Mascar
Zoaron, are you still selling this? I believe I won 2 of them and I have not heard from you.
Let me know whats going on.
Sorena Mascar.
Let me know whats going on.
Sorena Mascar.
zoaron, you have a pm...
i guess i won 2 item too, will u whispe'r me IG soon? or send a PM here
IGN : A Lone Wolf
IGN : A Lone Wolf
Sorena Mascar
Zoaron? PM or Whipser me, I believe I won 2 of the items
Sorena Mascar.
Sorena Mascar.
2k on item 8
IGN Daemon Fury
IGN Daemon Fury
5k on #5
my IGN : Rob Aengur
my IGN : Rob Aengur
zoaronn, do you still want to sell thoses item? at least let us know...
Srry if it's late notice, but my internet was disabled have to conctact my isp, i'm using library comp rite now...Can't play GW . If you can wait a few days or so, I'll get it fixed.
I was able to trade Sorena Mascar -> Success
I attempt to contact you bluehige in game but you were offline at the time, I'm currently at my friend's house for the short moment, I will go back to his house for the next few days to proceed on ending my auction. If you're not online please give me a date when you will be most online on that day so that I can contact you. That is all i have to say for now. I'd like to thank the people who took interest in my items within the duration of the auction that began and ended.
~Good Bye~
I attempt to contact you bluehige in game but you were offline at the time, I'm currently at my friend's house for the short moment, I will go back to his house for the next few days to proceed on ending my auction. If you're not online please give me a date when you will be most online on that day so that I can contact you. That is all i have to say for now. I'd like to thank the people who took interest in my items within the duration of the auction that began and ended.
~Good Bye~
thx zoaron, i'll contact you IG, i'm connected now, or normally i'm connected always around this hours ( i live in france so i cannot tell you precisely the time ^^' )
Looks like when i wrote this msg it was 10:19 AM, so i'll be always connected around this time untill 2-3PM ( coz i live in europe ^^ )
Looks like when i wrote this msg it was 10:19 AM, so i'll be always connected around this time untill 2-3PM ( coz i live in europe ^^ )