How does adrenaline work... exactly?
So I understand the basic concepts of adrenaline. You get hit, you get some, you hit you also get some. But I was wondering if anyone had more concrete numbers on this. For example, why is it when i use some adrenaline moves it drains adrenaline from the other ones. How much adrenaline do i gain when i hit? does it depend on damage? many questions, very curious.
When you hit an enemy, you get one adrenaline, when you get hit, you get one as well. When you use an adrenaline skill, you lose one adrenaline. Some skills increase/decrease the amount of adrenaline you get. And some adrenaline skills make you lose all your adrenaline. I don't believe the amount you get depends on anything, I think you just only get one for every hit you give/take.
Okay, so if i used an adrenal skill and it took 10 adrenaline, all my other skills that were linked to adrenaline would lose 1?
I'm fairly confident that you gain more adreneline by attacking than getting hit.
Yes, but if that adrenaline skill hits an enemy, then you can get that adrenaline back.
Originally Posted by Laizness
Okay, so if i used an adrenal skill and it took 10 adrenaline, all my other skills that were linked to adrenaline would lose 1?