I have some complaints here. First of all I believe we have to many stickies, making it hard for all the threads to get the feedback they want. I can see like five working on one page, but 10? No, that I think is to much. Some of the threads made by Admins/Mods are the same thing as many others. Now if I recall correctly, we are supposed to use the search tool. At least I do.
I made a list of stickies I believe don't deserve to be stickies and why:
Preorder Items:
Scaphism made this because there were so many other threads like this, and he believed it lessen the clutter. It did, but people should still use the search tool.
When does the BWE start and other BWE related questions:
This is posted on the Guild Wars site and I'm pretty sure a high percentage of people know that. But maybe this could be turned into an article on the GWG main site.
Levels, leveling, level caps, and level 20:
This is also a thread that's been done a zillion times.
There's a few others but I don't feel the need to go into it. Thanks for reading this and hope some changes will be made. I'll just say one last time: I think these threads that were posted shouldn't be there because they're taking up space for all the threads that should get feedback and there are plenty of others just like it. I'm not saying they're are bad, just not needed.
Also, I see lots of great threads that aren't stickied by Admins/Mods, like Kiwi's GW Video Library.
They are only there as a stopgap solution - many people are new to the game right now and impatient. Once the BWE ends and some of those questions become irrelevant the appropriate stickies will disappear.
It is a delicate balance between stickying issues and locking the 10th clone thread on the tsame topic
It is a delicate balance between stickying issues and locking the 10th clone thread on the tsame topic