Monk armor comparison


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

The Death Gods (TDG)


I dont know if this is the right spot to post this, but here it is.

I was bored and decided to buy and compare the different monk armor looks. I don't have the fissure armor yet but I got everything else. I figured for the sake of comparison they should all be the same color, and black being the best looking color (in my opinion) I went with that.

Not trying to show off, I'm sure most people have way cooler stuff than some random armors.. Just figured any new monks may enjoy being able to see every set in close comparison before deciding which to buy.. Wasnt originally going to even post it here but figured maybe it will help someone

Yea that is the 15k wanderers, Yea it is dyed black too, Yea it really is that ugly

EDIT: Just realized I forgot to get a full set of the 15k tattoo armor, my bad.. the arms and feet in those pic's are the 15k stuff though


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2005

Death Infernal Evil





Core Guru

Join Date: Feb 2005

The Drifters [DRFT]


Thanks! This might get moved over to the Screenshot forum, but helpful post.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


Silentum Altum


Yes that post belong to the Screenshot Exposition board to answer you're question


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

The Death Gods (TDG)


i'm not gonna be home tonight, but i'll probably update it with the full tattoo set tommarow sometime..

I looked around for a while apparently Im blind and didnt see the screenshot forum.. I'd move it there now if I could ><


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

awesome topic. i am starting a monk and am looking at the difference in armors, since they are mostly the same in stats, i decided to go the route of best 'looks'.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005

Hehe - nice comparision!

I went with the Wanderer's set for my monk, and yes, I was pretty surprised that the black dye didn't make the armor really black, too.

The other ones...I don't think anyone not playing a monk could tell apart the 15k stuff from the non 15k stuff... I guess A-Net could work a bit on that.

Btw, the Fissure monk stuff DOES look cool.


Chasing Dragons

Join Date: May 2005

Lost in La-La Land



What is the difference in a 1.5k tat set and a 15k tat set? I really don't see what they could do graphically to make you look any less like a zebra in bad lighting......


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2005


Elite Casters Guild


i just started as a monk for my new pve char and like damsamy says it doesnt really look that different the armors to one another i would really love to get the 15k saintly set but lol i propbably wont get that much money

Xue Yi Liang

Xue Yi Liang

Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

Northern CA

Outlaws of the Water Margin


C'mon - aren't you showing off... even just a little?
But there's nothing wrong with that.

I'll just add the male models for 15k armor (only to be helpful, of course )

Left to Right: Wanderer's 15k (natural color), Judge's 15k (dyed black), Saintly 15k (dyed silver) and Acetic's (dyed black) - note: I keep sup runes on my arms and feet so I only change the vestment and pants. And I didn't get the full Acetic set because I don't like the "nude monk" look.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

The Death Gods (TDG)


lol xue

I like the wanderers set on guys (on me it looks horrible), but I cant say much for the Saintly set on guys.. looks worse than some of the non-15k armors I think... I completely agree about the "nude monk" look which is why i do the same thing you said ^^

Xue Yi Liang

Xue Yi Liang

Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

Northern CA

Outlaws of the Water Margin


I agree about your take on the full male monk saintly armor. Look's like children's PJ's.



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2005


Wish someone would do that for female Elementalists. Looks cool!

The God Of Metal

The God Of Metal

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All I see is a red X



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2005

The Night Reapers


I don't see anything at all. O_o



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005


thats because this is an ancient thread there god of metal..
try to refrain bumping month olds

The God Of Metal

The God Of Metal

Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005

Kentville, Nova Scotia

The Boat Crew


Originally Posted by Krank
thats because this is an ancient thread there god of metal..
try to refrain bumping month olds Sorry, I didn't realize how old it was. I just used the Search button like everyone is always saying to do.