anyone wanna tell me how much this can go for?
Vampiric Break Hammer of Hammer mastery
Dmg 17-33 (Req. 9 Hammer Mastery)
Dmg +16% (while hexed)
Life Stealing: 4
Health Regeneration: -1
Hammer Mastery +1 (16% chance while using skills)
PC vamp hammer
no lol.
no one knows?
"While hexed" is one of the worst damage mods becuase you cant hex yourself.
+4 vampire is nice but with that low damage you wont be doing that much more damage compared to a 19-35 hammer.
+1 weapon mods are not that popular.
I would (expert) salvage & hope to get vampire mod. You could try to auction it (the hammer) & see how much you could/would get (put in reservation if bids are too low).
+4 vampire is nice but with that low damage you wont be doing that much more damage compared to a 19-35 hammer.
+1 weapon mods are not that popular.
I would (expert) salvage & hope to get vampire mod. You could try to auction it (the hammer) & see how much you could/would get (put in reservation if bids are too low).