Anti-Twink Ascalon Arena team :P
I am Back
Divine Elemental
Thats Sad Ya Know...
I bring My LvL 10 In Ascalon Arean And See Lvl 10 Person With Platemail ANd Has Shield Of JUdgement....Its Pretty Gay......Nearly Impossible To Kill....
And What U Did Is Mean >:O
Beaitng Low LvL's With Ur Elite,BTW Is Ur Armor 15k or Just Plain?
I bring My LvL 10 In Ascalon Arean And See Lvl 10 Person With Platemail ANd Has Shield Of JUdgement....Its Pretty Gay......Nearly Impossible To Kill....
And What U Did Is Mean >:O
Beaitng Low LvL's With Ur Elite,BTW Is Ur Armor 15k or Just Plain?
I am Back
not 15k
Posting that here will earn you nothing but insults and flames. And rightly deserved for being a tool.
I've reupp'ed your image incase you try to edit your post and remove it or modify the image itself.
I've reupp'ed your image incase you try to edit your post and remove it or modify the image itself.
Wow! So you're bragging for getting a "Flawless Victory" when you're using high-end armor and an elite skill on a level 8 character in a low level arena? That's just sad ...
lame *thumbs down*
I am Back
Originally Posted by gosl
Wow! So you're bragging for getting a "Flawless Victory" when you're using high-end armor and an elite skill on a level 8 character in a low level arena? That's just sad ...
think ur the twinked warrior that i owned in like 5 seconds but whatever my point is not flawless victory is the 55 consecutives
So you "cheated" and used end game armor with elite skills and you think your cool 'cause you won 55 consecutive? Get a hobby...
Originally Posted by I am Back
think ur the twinked warrior that i owned in like 5 seconds but whatever my point is not flawless victory is the 55 consecutives
Oh ok ... let me re-word my post then:
Wow! So you're bragging for getting 55 consecutive wins when you're using high-end armor and an elite skill on a level 8 character in a low level arena? That's just sad ...
Wow! So you're bragging for getting 55 consecutive wins when you're using high-end armor and an elite skill on a level 8 character in a low level arena? That's just sad ...
We all know beating the crap out of beginers multiple times using a semi-exploit, and then bragging about it, is cool.
Alathys Tylderaan
Man, i bet you feel like the man now... beating all those people, with spells and armour they wouldn't dream of having at that point..
I hope you rushed yourself around to get that shit.
By the way, good job on ruining the games for all those just trying to learn about the game.
God I'd like to insult ye more...along with all those who pull this sort of crap. Hey, pm me in-game! I got a few things to say to you 'eh? ...pfft...
By the way, good job on ruining the games for all those just trying to learn about the game.
God I'd like to insult ye more...along with all those who pull this sort of crap. Hey, pm me in-game! I got a few things to say to you 'eh? ...pfft...
Divine Elemental
Your Dumb Man
Maybe U Was The Warrior Bragging He Was Wearing The Droknars Platemail
I Wished I Could Have Brought My Monk To Shut You Up
And Dont Even Say Ur "The Man"
You Beat People Using Low Armor And Barely Any Elites,What Do U Expect?Respect?
NOT Just Insults For Being Dumb,Just This Time I Played And Had 15 Consecutive In Ascalon With ASCALON ARMOR And No Elites,We Finally Got Beat By The Same People Like Us...People Like U Make Me Sick!
God Thats Totally NOT DIVINE
Maybe U Was The Warrior Bragging He Was Wearing The Droknars Platemail
I Wished I Could Have Brought My Monk To Shut You Up
And Dont Even Say Ur "The Man"
You Beat People Using Low Armor And Barely Any Elites,What Do U Expect?Respect?
NOT Just Insults For Being Dumb,Just This Time I Played And Had 15 Consecutive In Ascalon With ASCALON ARMOR And No Elites,We Finally Got Beat By The Same People Like Us...People Like U Make Me Sick!
God Thats Totally NOT DIVINE
u know there are a lot of ppl with endgame armour and elite spell at ascalon arena now days. it's hard to be competitive if your team doesnt have anyone who has elite skills or good armour. yesterday i just saw a necromancer in ascalon arena who's impossible to kill... he uses life transfer + life siphon + vampric gaze and maybe other degen curse. for lvl 10s, you'll be dead in like less than 10secs, maybe a bit more if you have healing breeze or troll unguent.
This is nothing but an open fire waiting to happen. Closed.