Dying bonus in Sanctum Cay
Andy of Glacieria
the spirit often dies; Anyone got any solutions>?
Depends on where you say he dies. We had no problem getting the spirit to the Vizier. The second part where you must take him to some grave is still bugging me though, still was easy getting it there, but the mission always fails [so you get the bonus, but not the mission].
We make sure to avoid the beach and not trigger the "defend the vizier on the pier" effect. So you run past that and take spirit to its grave place and then return to the beach .
Now the silly part is, when you then DO get back to the beach, the Vizier is swarmed by White Mantle [resulting in a good chance of failure]. So dunno , maybe we did it wrong, but we had to repeat the mission, once for the bonus and once for the mission.
PS Tip: Heal those Smoke Phantoms ...if you can get them to the beach life is just so much easier :P [although not sure what happens with bonus...]
We make sure to avoid the beach and not trigger the "defend the vizier on the pier" effect. So you run past that and take spirit to its grave place and then return to the beach .
Now the silly part is, when you then DO get back to the beach, the Vizier is swarmed by White Mantle [resulting in a good chance of failure]. So dunno , maybe we did it wrong, but we had to repeat the mission, once for the bonus and once for the mission.
PS Tip: Heal those Smoke Phantoms ...if you can get them to the beach life is just so much easier :P [although not sure what happens with bonus...]
Numa Pompilius
After the lighting drakes had their damage output corrected a couple of weeks ago, the bonus mission is broken & possibly unfinisheable.
One thing which MIGHT work is if you spec a warrior for running, get him to grab the sceptre, and RUN to the ghost. Since he's carrying the sceptre, all the lighting drakes will ignore the ghost and attack him instead. It will still be difficult to get to the ghost in time.
One thing which MIGHT work is if you spec a warrior for running, get him to grab the sceptre, and RUN to the ghost. Since he's carrying the sceptre, all the lighting drakes will ignore the ghost and attack him instead. It will still be difficult to get to the ghost in time.
I have to say that the bonus is still completely doable since I did it about a week ago but yeah, I watched the vizer get zerged. That said, your whole party doesn't need to take the ghost to his grave, maybe one or two, the rest can stay back and defend the vizer.
Andy of Glacieria
Ah kk ty
alright ill take a load of stacking sprints n get to the spirit.

The spirit follows the scepter.... so have the scepter-carrier go to the gravesite alone. Keep everyone else down below.
You have already given over the scepter to the vizier.
You have already given over the scepter to the vizier.
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Andy of Glacieria
Ah kk ty
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the spirit moves super slow...stacking sprints won't make him move faster.
bring a W/Mo with you. leave him with the vizier while the rest of your party goes to finish the bonus. A good W/Mo can effectively tank and pull away from the vizier long enough for you to get the bonus done.
Runners! Bah!
You need to finish it before you get to the Vizier. Also the drakes are completely doable, I killed them with henchies. Took me a death... and 15% of DP
but I was unprepared. Just takes a bit of preparation.

Originally Posted by dargon
I have to say that the bonus is still completely doable since I did it about a week ago but yeah, I watched the vizer get zerged. That said, your whole party doesn't need to take the ghost to his grave, maybe one or two, the rest can stay back and defend the vizer.
Kill all waves when the beach script starts (while having ghost with you), sooner or later they will stop coming, after that take ghost to the nearby hill.
Fye Duron
Rangers are really good at taking out the drakes, even with there newly corrected damage output. it was great before the fix they use to only do about 3 to8 damage max... I kind of miss the solo the drakes with ease days
Originally Posted by Jelloblimp
When I did it a few days ago the ghost got stuck on ALOT of places on the hill, when the last guy went up to us the ghost started moving.
Kill all waves when the beach script starts (while having ghost with you), sooner or later they will stop coming, after that take ghost to the nearby hill. |
Kill all waves coming in to kill Vizier. Then take the ghost to the graveyard. Then kill all remaining White Mantle on the map for fun. But we were helping a guild member with the mission so having the LVL 20's makes it pretty easy.
Our Party:
LVL20 R/Me
LVL14 R/?
LVL20 E/Mo
LVL20 Mo/Me Farming Build
LVL20 Mo/Me Farming Build