it's a Sword pommel of fortitude + 30 hp
Starting price: 60 k
B/o 120 k
contact ingame: Elendur Brisecrane
[WTS] Sword Pommel of fortitude + 30 hp
75k to start
ign is oathus nerkin.
ign is oathus nerkin.
ILL buyouy for 120k my ingame name is arch exodus ill be on 6 30 eastern time just pm or ill check and see if you are there soo for everybody else stop lookin because its BOUGHT
I can be an 'a hole' and make a much higher offer. But I rather respect you. I believe in karma.
Good stuff.
Good stuff.
karma it what makes the world go around and i can bid much higher to but i already stated BUYOUT lol thanks for not bein an a hole hahaha
B/O is only as good as the next 'Sold in-game' [aka higher than my B/O].