I've heard that you can only use a max of 3 runes at a time, is this true? Or can you equip one rune for each item of armor?
If it is maxed at 3, what would happen if you tried putting on 4 pieces of armor, each already with a rune?
How many runes?
Hmm i always used one rune for each armor. I used 3 minors to boost three skills, then a vigor (increase my health). All seem to work fine.
Originally Posted by blackbird71
I've heard that you can only use a max of 3 runes at a time, is this true? Or can you equip one rune for each item of armor?
Thanks! |
You can use one rune in each piece of equipped armor. However, you cannot gain any additional benefit from using more than 1 rune of a type. So 2 minors would still be 1 attribute boost, and a minor and a major would just be the 2 boost from the major.
You can only use runes from your primary profession, and the vigor and absorbtion runes.
You can only use runes from your primary profession, and the vigor and absorbtion runes.
Acan Vishnu
Absorption runes are only usable by warriors
Thanks for the input everyone, that really clears things up!