Guild Hall Arenas
Hi, iv been recently thinking that PvP while excellant and fun, is kind of rigid in its rules, can be hard to do in a fun and relaxed yet 8v8 enviroment (especially in Europe imo) and to be honest Im kind of annoyed I cant use earthshaker on my Guild mates when we are waiting to arrange some GvG.
I think it would be of immense benefit to Guild development and FUN if each Guild Hall had its own arena. You could practice aspects of builds like attack versus defence at your own pace, with your own experiments, you could train up newbies in a controllable enviroment, and you could hold GUILD COMPETITIONS and TOURNAMENTS.
Guild Wars is a game I love very much, however the random arenas are a joke, its.... random. And Hall of Heros and GvG can quickly become far too much of a chore and an effort, and not enough FUN for some people, not to mention it can completely go over some peoples heads.
I believe if you could go to your own Guilds Arena, form up a team outside it, of ANY number of players, and enter the arena it would add so much more to the Guild aspect of this game. People could do 1v1, 1v3, 4v4, 8v8 in their own arenas, against their own Guild mates. Of course all they would get is fun and pvp experiance, no uber rewards imo not even faction points if possible.
Anyway I think a Guild Arena would greatly enhance the Guild aspect of the game, newbies to the guild at lvl 5 could gang up on a lone experianced character, and guild competitions and tournaments like I said could be regularly held. I feel this would greatly add to the fun of Guild Wars, the feeling of being a team, and the COMMUNITY of players, which is sadly lacking imo.
I think it would be of immense benefit to Guild development and FUN if each Guild Hall had its own arena. You could practice aspects of builds like attack versus defence at your own pace, with your own experiments, you could train up newbies in a controllable enviroment, and you could hold GUILD COMPETITIONS and TOURNAMENTS.
Guild Wars is a game I love very much, however the random arenas are a joke, its.... random. And Hall of Heros and GvG can quickly become far too much of a chore and an effort, and not enough FUN for some people, not to mention it can completely go over some peoples heads.
I believe if you could go to your own Guilds Arena, form up a team outside it, of ANY number of players, and enter the arena it would add so much more to the Guild aspect of this game. People could do 1v1, 1v3, 4v4, 8v8 in their own arenas, against their own Guild mates. Of course all they would get is fun and pvp experiance, no uber rewards imo not even faction points if possible.
Anyway I think a Guild Arena would greatly enhance the Guild aspect of the game, newbies to the guild at lvl 5 could gang up on a lone experianced character, and guild competitions and tournaments like I said could be regularly held. I feel this would greatly add to the fun of Guild Wars, the feeling of being a team, and the COMMUNITY of players, which is sadly lacking imo.
way to echo the sentiments of everyone else.
Truth is, the actual PvP in Guild Wars is a blast (often literally).
I, for one, get tired of the limited options available to me. I can understand the need for randomness, etc. when you gain faction, XP, and/or rank/fame.
However, there should definatly be organized PvP arenas and, I think, even areas where you have instanced districted zones to go in as a party and have a free for all with the company of mobs, items, etc. An area of anarchy if you will. Essentially, I think there should be instanced explorable zones/districts that you could choose to take a party into. Randomize the spawn points in there per party and allow random time joins (very much like how the towns/outposts work now except in an explorable area with mobs and with PvP allowed.) I think that would greatly enhance the joy of PvP in Guild Wars (would also be good if the party could choose the district on joining).
Truth is, the actual PvP in Guild Wars is a blast (often literally).
I, for one, get tired of the limited options available to me. I can understand the need for randomness, etc. when you gain faction, XP, and/or rank/fame.
However, there should definatly be organized PvP arenas and, I think, even areas where you have instanced districted zones to go in as a party and have a free for all with the company of mobs, items, etc. An area of anarchy if you will. Essentially, I think there should be instanced explorable zones/districts that you could choose to take a party into. Randomize the spawn points in there per party and allow random time joins (very much like how the towns/outposts work now except in an explorable area with mobs and with PvP allowed.) I think that would greatly enhance the joy of PvP in Guild Wars (would also be good if the party could choose the district on joining).
Is that it? An idea like mine drops like a stone through the suggestions forum, recieving one reply, while the 100th petition on character slots, or the 10000th scream for UAS gets about 50 replies minimum?
Even if no one can be bothered to read a post thats not a yell for instant pvp unlocking of stuff, I would hope maybe one developer CONSIDERS what the changes to Guilds and Guild Wars would be if this was implimented.
Please at least think about it, and dont bring out another pvp nerf just because 100 12 year olds are screaming for it.
Is that it? An idea like mine drops like a stone through the suggestions forum, recieving one reply, while the 100th petition on character slots, or the 10000th scream for UAS gets about 50 replies minimum?
Even if no one can be bothered to read a post thats not a yell for instant pvp unlocking of stuff, I would hope maybe one developer CONSIDERS what the changes to Guilds and Guild Wars would be if this was implimented.
Please at least think about it, and dont bring out another pvp nerf just because 100 12 year olds are screaming for it.
LOL! I love the idea, Eventhorizen. I am sure that, as long as faction is kept out of the mix, this would be a doable idea. I know that as my guild currently stands (though we're looking to merge with another), we don't PvP. I personally don't like it but I know that some of my mates do though they do NOT like the randomness of the pairings. Having an "arena for fun" attached to a guild hall where friendly guilds could pair up, seems like a great thought. If no one is gaining faction from the battles fought in them, no harm is done, rankings-wise but guilds could gain a WORLD of experience in a fairly non-competitive manner and be able to simultaneously try out various team builds and such.
Something like this could be considered a guildhall "upgrade" that might need to be purchased. There have been other threads to that effect so I won't elaborate.
Something like this could be considered a guildhall "upgrade" that might need to be purchased. There have been other threads to that effect so I won't elaborate.

Kind of like paying for construction for an addition... including materials, cost and labor...
Training area? 50000 gold, 20000 wood, 5000 steel ingots...
Heh heh... talk about a potential sink.
Hmm.. while we're at it... Storage area (open to all guild folks)...
Training area? 50000 gold, 20000 wood, 5000 steel ingots...
Heh heh... talk about a potential sink.
Hmm.. while we're at it... Storage area (open to all guild folks)...
Originally Posted by MSecorsky
Kind of like paying for construction for an addition... including materials, cost and labor...
Training area? 50000 gold, 20000 wood, 5000 steel ingots... Heh heh... talk about a potential sink. Hmm.. while we're at it... Storage area (open to all guild folks)... |
1. Arena
2. Merchants
3. Material crafter
4. Weapon Smith/Armorer
5. Henchmen (for those times when you want to beat them to a pulp or "field another team but don't have enough people around)
Etc., etc., etc.
Making guilds WORK together to gather exorbitant amounts of cash and materials would facillitate better guild cohesion.

Plus, imo, the requirement to use construction material as well as gold would mean they would have to get off their fat PvP butts and get back into the PvE world again to gather supplies and salvage.
I wouldn't go with the merchants etc. in guild halls... they wouldn't go there due to the limited client base.
They could, though, build weapons lockers, materials lockers, etc that will hold specific materials with the drawback that anyone in the guild can access and take the items... unless guild leaders provided Hall Keys to trusted members for accessing. You don't want someone getting into a guild to raid it's coffers and leave, after all.
I wouldn't go with the merchants etc. in guild halls... they wouldn't go there due to the limited client base.
They could, though, build weapons lockers, materials lockers, etc that will hold specific materials with the drawback that anyone in the guild can access and take the items... unless guild leaders provided Hall Keys to trusted members for accessing. You don't want someone getting into a guild to raid it's coffers and leave, after all.
*Is that it? *
No ... thats not it ... but gotta give us West Coast morning riser time to get our coffeee before we can actively endevour in your hopes and dreams. MSecorsky who posted above ... that actually is the best idea I have heard yet on this topic. Another sink for the players who are just buying there way through this game. Eventually with enough sinks they will be paying monthly ebay fees to keep up and hopefully will just give up altogether.
Okay plus and minus imho ... BIG MINUS .... having a controlled arena in guild where you could practice against MOBS monster imo and treasure dropping is equal to 'why not make farming come to us instead of us go and find it' I can't honestly see that being implemented. I can see an arena with MOBS like you said but with NO treasure. Arenas should strictly be for fun, research and skill testing, not xp, treasure and etc.
That being said I am going to completely throw a spike into my own words ... has anyone ever played ff3?
Remember the gladiators arena where you could bet item A and get item B? I dont want that, but I would like to place random bets on battles. So if I ever recruit some c0ck eyed azzh0le who starts flaming his way to glory ... I can challenge him and make him pay for it ... lol ... or maybe he shouldn't be in my guild at all if that were the case ... anyways ...
I like the 1v1 1v3 4v4 2v2 option flexibility and ability for well organized guilds to throw there own tourneys. Playing in the tombs where people spam 'your mamas a h0e, eat my puzzy b1tch, etc' really isnt all that appealing ... I may as well go to lions arch and listen to the 13 year olds if that was my slice of pie.
I think those features should cost a whole heck of alot more than you stated MSecorsky. It just seems to acheivable ... and luxuries like that should be challenging to get ... and take a considerable amount of time.
No ... thats not it ... but gotta give us West Coast morning riser time to get our coffeee before we can actively endevour in your hopes and dreams. MSecorsky who posted above ... that actually is the best idea I have heard yet on this topic. Another sink for the players who are just buying there way through this game. Eventually with enough sinks they will be paying monthly ebay fees to keep up and hopefully will just give up altogether.
Okay plus and minus imho ... BIG MINUS .... having a controlled arena in guild where you could practice against MOBS monster imo and treasure dropping is equal to 'why not make farming come to us instead of us go and find it' I can't honestly see that being implemented. I can see an arena with MOBS like you said but with NO treasure. Arenas should strictly be for fun, research and skill testing, not xp, treasure and etc.
That being said I am going to completely throw a spike into my own words ... has anyone ever played ff3?
Remember the gladiators arena where you could bet item A and get item B? I dont want that, but I would like to place random bets on battles. So if I ever recruit some c0ck eyed azzh0le who starts flaming his way to glory ... I can challenge him and make him pay for it ... lol ... or maybe he shouldn't be in my guild at all if that were the case ... anyways ...
I like the 1v1 1v3 4v4 2v2 option flexibility and ability for well organized guilds to throw there own tourneys. Playing in the tombs where people spam 'your mamas a h0e, eat my puzzy b1tch, etc' really isnt all that appealing ... I may as well go to lions arch and listen to the 13 year olds if that was my slice of pie.
I think those features should cost a whole heck of alot more than you stated MSecorsky. It just seems to acheivable ... and luxuries like that should be challenging to get ... and take a considerable amount of time.
Originally Posted by stumpy
I think those features should cost a whole heck of alot more than you stated MSecorsky. It just seems to acheivable ... and luxuries like that should be challenging to get ... and take a considerable amount of time.
When I first started playing this game, the idea of getting a guild hall was really cool. In fact, it was, for awhile, the most important thing me and my guild wanted. However, as we realized our tiny size made it worthless, and that it would take forever to raise the gold, we prety much gave up on the idea. What's the point? For us, the guild hall itself is a gold sink. It would be so much more worthwhile if there was customization. (and dual areas, etc.)
At the moment, it just doesn't justify the cost. I would get so much more enjoyment out of running around in the draknor's or fissure gear. (and it's not all the different of a price in a sense)
I still don't understand how anyone is able to raise that kind of money.....
At the moment, it just doesn't justify the cost. I would get so much more enjoyment out of running around in the draknor's or fissure gear. (and it's not all the different of a price in a sense)
I still don't understand how anyone is able to raise that kind of money.....
Sure, the first guild I was in was interested in a Hall until they found out that it has no storage. Hall never happened as they had no real interest in PvP.
Give the halls meaning outside PvP and more people will go for them.
Brings up the point... do you suspect individuals may go for private halls of their own in that case?
Give the halls meaning outside PvP and more people will go for them.
Brings up the point... do you suspect individuals may go for private halls of their own in that case?
This is something that has been mentioned more than once. I'm all for it. My guild likes to meet at my house since we're all within 20 minutes of each other, and I have an "Office" (*cough*) with a stack of "lab computers" (with nVidia, and ATI cards). The guild hall was fun for a bit, and I'm sure nice for GVG, but I'd prefer to use it for sparing, and whipping our less experianced into shape.
Fungus Amongus
A practice arena would be the shiznit.