8 monks visit FoW



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2005

Hi all! First post!

Last night I logged on & went to ToA. Upon entering the area I saw a invite "8 monk team needs 2 more monks for FoW" I immediately hopped on the monk train. Another monk joined & we all discussed what spells/skills we should/would take & what our roles would be. We then entered the FoW.

Upon entering the FoW I was immediately struck with the notion that we were all quite mad... quite mad indeed. I mentioned this & not surprisingly everyone else felt the same. A group of crazy monks! Oh boy! Pic1

We then began the fight. At first I was somewhat concerned but as the fight went on I noticed the everyone...yes EVERYONE was doing there job great! No rambos, target calling, good tanking, good healing(like that needed to be said). It was as if we could all read each other minds. Since we were all monks we all knew what each of us had to do...as one of the other monks mentioned..."We all understand each other." Not a truer comment could have been said.

Anyway.. we went on to the Wailing Lord & rescued the griffons then went on the Forgemaster. We had some moments where we could have done better, almost a complete team wipe at one point, but we all were having such a good time that we laughed it all off. We were having FUN! Pic2

We went on to clear the area for the Forgemaster & protect him from attack & then real life intruded. The group lost a cpl members due to having to go to work the next day so we just decided to call it quits there. It somehow didnt feel right to continue on without our fellow monks. Pic3

All in all it was the BEST GW expierence I have ever had. Ty all to played last night. Monk Nation!!!!


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2005

Or Die Trying [ODT]


Lol, looked fun , yup its great when you get a good group that arent like "Z0M9 Yu0 4M T3H SUX!!!111eleven", however unfortunately there are lots of people like that. Nice screen-shots
(and welcome to the forums)