What's is the best Ranger secondary for soloing?
Maat O'Crat
I am thinking of getting GUild Wars, and if I do I would probably play as a Ranger primary. I know that soloing is impractical for higher levels, but I would like to solo for the first few levels. With this purpose in mind, which would be the best secondary profession? Thanks in advance
Wings of Illusion
Well.. I would not choose a Ranger to solo. Rangers can be good in other cases but definately not for soloing.
If you were truly wanting the best solo character that would be the Warrior/Monk. One of the easiest builds to use and a very effective one.
If you were truly wanting the best solo character that would be the Warrior/Monk. One of the easiest builds to use and a very effective one.
W/Mo would probably be the best at soloing. Keep in mind, though, that soloing gets very tough when starting the missions.