Seeing the success of someone else's guild merger request, I've suggested to my guild that we post our own. Here it is.
Hello everyone. I’m part of a guild called The Menniscnis, and we are finding it harder and harder to recruit more members. No, this is not a recruiting ad. It’s an ad for a merger. We’ve been around since the BWEs, and we’re a mature, friendly guild who enjoy playing Guild Wars with each other, joking around and just having fun. We’re interested in doing some PvP, but we’re mostly a guild that enjoys the PvE aspect of the game. We have four active members, and may get four more if an old member rejoins and brings some friends. Even with the new members, we wouldn’t really have enough for a GvG battle, and that’s something of what we’re looking for. We have the Cape and we also have a Guild Hall, but if we find a larger guild who would like to absorb us into their guild, we’d be willing to give them up.
The request in summary is to find a like minded guild, one who is mature, friendly, doesn’t mind joking around with the members. If your guild is interested in this request, then send me a message, or contact me in game as Niare Tilnalil. Make sure to add me as a friend to see if I’m on as an alt. If anyone is interested, we request that we play with you for a while to decide if it is really the right move for us. Thanks!
Mature, fun loving guild looking for Merger
Wow. Just wow. Your guild sounds like my guild defined to a fine point. We love to joke around with each other, use vent, have a guild hall + cape etc. Our members total about 8. So its not really that big either. I am only an officer in the guild, but if you would like to merge with us, then reply here or IG (IGN to the left) to me. I am not sure if we are looking to merge, but we talked about it a few days ago on vent. We haven't GvGed yet, and all of us are into hardcore PvE. We reserve weapons for each other if someone mentions it. We also help with missions, quests, and we sometimes forge arena PvP. Our leader is hardcore PvE though, he won't even spend the 5k+ faction he has unlocking things by using the priests, he feels like he needs to unlock everything by the way it was meant: through the game and a bit of luck. You bought the game, might as well play it, right?
Like I said, I don't know if we are looking for a merger (or if your interested) but hey, no harm in asking right? Our guild name is Idiots Come in a Bundle, and are mainly built of people from high school - college+ (like 2 high school though =P). We are very mature and hardly annoying (ermm..except for one member ).
Like I said, I don't know if we are looking for a merger (or if your interested) but hey, no harm in asking right? Our guild name is Idiots Come in a Bundle, and are mainly built of people from high school - college+ (like 2 high school though =P). We are very mature and hardly annoying (ermm..except for one member ).
You guys sound like a friendly guild. You're also the second offer already, so it's good to know that there are other guilds out there like us
I'm heading off for the night, just thought I'd check the forums one last time before hand. If you'd like to talk of a possibility, my IGN is under my forum name. Should be on tomorrow around 12 pm eastern time.
I'm heading off for the night, just thought I'd check the forums one last time before hand. If you'd like to talk of a possibility, my IGN is under my forum name. Should be on tomorrow around 12 pm eastern time.
Pheonix Ascension (Phenix Ascension) Might be willing to take you all it. It would depend upon how many members you have and if all of them are online regularily and are willing to be an active member in our guild. We are looking for mature members. We gvg/hoh and or do end game pve and capture groups nightly. We have two guild halls that we can use to skirmish ourselves and Phenix Ascension we will be using to compete comptetively in the ladder where our main one anyone can gvg on. I believe Phenix was rank 180 last I checked (likely has dropped a bit since I checked hehehe) and Pheonix is 980 or so. We have a cleared out our negatively contributing members and are begining to remove our inactive members. We have over 80 members and none of them have been offline for 2 weeks. (Thats auto removal point unless you post vacation in our forums) Now we're targeting those that log on but don't ever do anything with the guild. Currently we have a TS server that can take as many of us as we wish but we share it with a few other games. Shortly we will be getting a dedicated 100 person TS server (or vent we're still deciding). We have a very active forum (although new). Should you be interested contact me in game (friends list Avalust Satyre) and we can set up a meeting between your guild and my officers and I. for more info about the guild.
It's sweet that you guys have a website but may I make one small suggestion (and I'm really NOT trying to be a jerk here...)? You have misspelled "Phoenix"...the o comes before the e in the word.
I have a guild, at the moment anyhow, called Phoenix Rising AND live in the city of the same name in Arizona.
I have a guild, at the moment anyhow, called Phoenix Rising AND live in the city of the same name in Arizona.
Cymboric Treewalker
Anyone looking to merge can look at us at
Then contact me there (Dremitus) and we can work on a path. I think it would be important that we ensure that both sets of members like one another.
I successfully merged my guild with another in World of Warcraft so I have no issues with doing it here.
Then contact me there (Dremitus) and we can work on a path. I think it would be important that we ensure that both sets of members like one another.
I successfully merged my guild with another in World of Warcraft so I have no issues with doing it here.
Darkest Dawn
I'm not looking to recruit, per se, though I would enjoy good natured and team players, however I have a story of my own to tell.
When our founder started our guild KOK, we got a ton of people to join. However, we ran into a problem. We noticed that many never talked to the rest of us, and also some were hardly ever online. In fact we eneded up having a policy that if you were going to be gone for more than two weeks, to please let the officers know whether in game, or on our website. Those that didn't, we removed them from our roster.
So we are currently at around 20 members. Most of which are actively involved team players, and have a giving/sharing attitude. It has been a breath of fresh air. We no longer spam in game for peeps to join our guild hardly at all. Only after we adventure and get a feel for someone do we generally extend the invitation. Case in point, I was made an officer 4 or 5 weeks ago. I have only recruited three, and they are awesome!
When our founder started our guild KOK, we got a ton of people to join. However, we ran into a problem. We noticed that many never talked to the rest of us, and also some were hardly ever online. In fact we eneded up having a policy that if you were going to be gone for more than two weeks, to please let the officers know whether in game, or on our website. Those that didn't, we removed them from our roster.
So we are currently at around 20 members. Most of which are actively involved team players, and have a giving/sharing attitude. It has been a breath of fresh air. We no longer spam in game for peeps to join our guild hardly at all. Only after we adventure and get a feel for someone do we generally extend the invitation. Case in point, I was made an officer 4 or 5 weeks ago. I have only recruited three, and they are awesome!
The "American" spelling was taken when we went to get our second guild hall. Our original name was Phenix Ascension "European" (Which we still have and we'll be using that one for progressing in the ladder) Its an improvision we had to make to keep along our original theme since someone else copied our name. Though I guess you have a good idea someone else is always going to take it. Its just like capes. *shrugs*. We originally were going to have an elite and a regular guild hall. Then we decided to keep everyone together to promote more of a family and united guild. We'll just be moving our elites over to the other hall like we currently do with members to spar ourselves unrated. It just ended up that we all are on the Pheonix one and thats the one we call home. We've happily adopted the name and spelling as our own. Now the one with the "correct" spelling is more our secondary guild. It doesn't bother me or our members. So far every guild thats flamed us in gvg over the spelling got to go home with a loss. So its worth a chuckle.
Im co- leader / officer for GUILD HAF
we have 40+ members
age 18+ [ most of use are mid 20's married w/kids type of guys]
the clan is a CS"S / Battlefield 2 clan with server
but we run a guild also...
we have Guild Hall
a Teamspeak server , which is a req.
and HAF a lot of fun together...
most of our top guys have 3-4 level 20's and we are about to increase the number of GVG's we do... our team is like 12-5 in GVG... so we arent bad...
hit me up ingame... or go to to fill out recruit application
we have 40+ members
age 18+ [ most of use are mid 20's married w/kids type of guys]
the clan is a CS"S / Battlefield 2 clan with server
but we run a guild also...
we have Guild Hall
a Teamspeak server , which is a req.
and HAF a lot of fun together...
most of our top guys have 3-4 level 20's and we are about to increase the number of GVG's we do... our team is like 12-5 in GVG... so we arent bad...
hit me up ingame... or go to to fill out recruit application
If you still haven't found that place to call home yet, Knight Vision is recruiting. We are all "older" game players, with most of us being mid20s-early30s. You may PM me or whisper me in-game - Damia Arcana.