My ultimate ranger suggestion
I know there are hundreds of similar threads but most of them go down to suggestions of having ninja rangers and always stray off topic. here, ill be addressing some of the common concerns of other rangers and some that i've experienced as a ranger myself
First is the problem with pets. IMO, pets should be allowed automatically to come along if its ranger owner has a high beast mastery, say 12. If other rangers or secondary rangers want to bring their pets along with their beast mastery below 12 then they need to equip "charm animal". It makes perfect sense that a ranger with 12 beast mastery(which is the maximum w/o items) should already be considered a dedicated beastmaster and should be given the bonus of not needing to equip "charm animal" anymore to bring their pets to battle.
Second, I think they should change the way preparations work so that it will stay on and not start counting down until you fire the first arrow. For example, the 24 second timer on 'apply poison' would only start to countdown once you fire your first shot and not right after you use the skill. This would allow the ranger to have at least one set of 'prepared' arrows before every battle which should be the case if we would all look at what the word 'preparation' means.
This system would also reflect more realism in the skills in that 'prepared' arrows would only expire as you start consuming them by actually firing them and not only because of time.
Third, i agree with other folks who have been suggesting that some bows should have additional energy attached to them. Off the top of my head... ANET could call it a 'druid bow'? Of course it should come with a trade-off say slower refire rate and must come without other modifiers without the 15-20% additional damage when health > or < than 50% or enchanted etc
Fourth, marksmanship should increase not only power but also accuracy. Having a lot of pvp maps with tons of objects to hide behind to avoid arrows is bad enough, but recently, there has been an increase of people who seemed to have discovered the ultimate arrow evasion skill - strafing.
This forces rangers to use only short or half-moon bows with pindown or favorable winds or ironically for a ranger - get into melee range to even hope to hit enemies who strafe. For new rangers, please, dont ever hope to hit a strafing enemy with a flatbow 25 feet away.
So I say, let rangers with low marksmanship miss a lot but please grant eagle-eyed marksmen the boon of better accuracy!
First is the problem with pets. IMO, pets should be allowed automatically to come along if its ranger owner has a high beast mastery, say 12. If other rangers or secondary rangers want to bring their pets along with their beast mastery below 12 then they need to equip "charm animal". It makes perfect sense that a ranger with 12 beast mastery(which is the maximum w/o items) should already be considered a dedicated beastmaster and should be given the bonus of not needing to equip "charm animal" anymore to bring their pets to battle.
Second, I think they should change the way preparations work so that it will stay on and not start counting down until you fire the first arrow. For example, the 24 second timer on 'apply poison' would only start to countdown once you fire your first shot and not right after you use the skill. This would allow the ranger to have at least one set of 'prepared' arrows before every battle which should be the case if we would all look at what the word 'preparation' means.
This system would also reflect more realism in the skills in that 'prepared' arrows would only expire as you start consuming them by actually firing them and not only because of time.
Third, i agree with other folks who have been suggesting that some bows should have additional energy attached to them. Off the top of my head... ANET could call it a 'druid bow'? Of course it should come with a trade-off say slower refire rate and must come without other modifiers without the 15-20% additional damage when health > or < than 50% or enchanted etc
Fourth, marksmanship should increase not only power but also accuracy. Having a lot of pvp maps with tons of objects to hide behind to avoid arrows is bad enough, but recently, there has been an increase of people who seemed to have discovered the ultimate arrow evasion skill - strafing.
This forces rangers to use only short or half-moon bows with pindown or favorable winds or ironically for a ranger - get into melee range to even hope to hit enemies who strafe. For new rangers, please, dont ever hope to hit a strafing enemy with a flatbow 25 feet away.
So I say, let rangers with low marksmanship miss a lot but please grant eagle-eyed marksmen the boon of better accuracy!
Please don't argue realism in a game where you can rise people from the dead.
Tellani Artini
I think they should take out all the magic to make the game more realistic.
Originally Posted by Tellani Artini
I think they should take out all the magic to make the game more realistic.
I like all 4 suggestions despite the argument of realism.
1- pets attuned to players with 12 BM or higher (no need for charm animal)
2- preparation skills buff timer begin with first shot of prepared arrow.
3- More +energy items for rangers.
4- increase in accuracy as well as power for higher marksmanship.
Are they overpowering?
1- possibly (they might have to nerf the pet to make this balanced?)
2- possibly (what's the purpose of no preperation elite arrows then?)
3- possibly (expertise is there for a reason?)
4- possibly (it's not a guided missile you're shooting there? hehe. Loved that amazon arrow skill in D2 that actually let my arrows take a 90degree turn and shoot around corners. hehe.)
I think an argument could be made against each of the suggestions, but each of them would improve my play personally. I really don't know how Anet does their balancing.
1- pets attuned to players with 12 BM or higher (no need for charm animal)
2- preparation skills buff timer begin with first shot of prepared arrow.
3- More +energy items for rangers.
4- increase in accuracy as well as power for higher marksmanship.
Are they overpowering?
1- possibly (they might have to nerf the pet to make this balanced?)
2- possibly (what's the purpose of no preperation elite arrows then?)
3- possibly (expertise is there for a reason?)
4- possibly (it's not a guided missile you're shooting there? hehe. Loved that amazon arrow skill in D2 that actually let my arrows take a 90degree turn and shoot around corners. hehe.)
I think an argument could be made against each of the suggestions, but each of them would improve my play personally. I really don't know how Anet does their balancing.
There are a couple arrow skills, IIRC, that can't be dodged already... increasing accuracy with Expertise would have an expected trade-off for balance, such as reduced accuracy earlier, which could frustrate young rangers-in-training.
If Ignite Arrows lasted until you fired, wouldn't your arrows burn up in the quiver?
If Ignite Arrows lasted until you fired, wouldn't your arrows burn up in the quiver?

Originally Posted by KonohaFlash
I know there are hundreds of similar threads but most of them go down to suggestions of having ninja rangers and always stray off topic.
Or Pet suggestions
I doubt anyone will listen but I'd recomend you stop posting in this discusion and in one of the already exsisting ones.
Originally posted by Tellani Artini and Linkie I think they should take out all the magic to make the game more realistic Please don't argue realism in a game where you can rise people from the dead. |

cmon people, i wasn't suggesting that the game should be more realistic as it is - only that which would make more sense. plus i really don't think that it would unbalance the current system so much
There are a couple arrow skills, IIRC, that can't be dodged already... increasing accuracy with Expertise would have an expected trade-off for balance, such as reduced accuracy earlier, which could frustrate young rangers-in-training. If Ignite Arrows lasted until you fired, wouldn't your arrows burn up in the quiver? |
kindle arrows should burn up but ignite arrows probably uses some sort of exploding substance who knows what, im not a dev

Wings of Illusion
This just wouldnt work for me seeing as how i just absolutly HATE animals.
1. Your idea on allowing maxed out beast mastery allowing the player to take their pet in without Charm Animal is a smart one, if you had that much control of your beast pet, then why wouldn't you be able to take it without Charm?
2.I agree with you on the preperations. Sure, some of them should automatically start down, but some should be able to stay until you start shooting off arrows. It's called a Preperation, but with the way they have it set up, you need an Elite skill to be able to shoot off already prepared arrows, and even then, only one at a time because of the recharge.
3.There should be more items out there that allow the user added mana, because I have only been able to use armor to do that.
4.If you have a high Marksmanship IRL than you know how to shoot better, right? You know to shoot ahead of the target to hit it when it's moving? The same should be for GW. If you have high marksmanship, you should be able to shoot strafing targets easier, but since it doesn't do that, I have to carry a sword and shield on me so I can use low-level warrior skills. Then I'm requiring the help of my pet and my party members to help keep me alive... should not be happening.
2.I agree with you on the preperations. Sure, some of them should automatically start down, but some should be able to stay until you start shooting off arrows. It's called a Preperation, but with the way they have it set up, you need an Elite skill to be able to shoot off already prepared arrows, and even then, only one at a time because of the recharge.
3.There should be more items out there that allow the user added mana, because I have only been able to use armor to do that.
4.If you have a high Marksmanship IRL than you know how to shoot better, right? You know to shoot ahead of the target to hit it when it's moving? The same should be for GW. If you have high marksmanship, you should be able to shoot strafing targets easier, but since it doesn't do that, I have to carry a sword and shield on me so I can use low-level warrior skills. Then I'm requiring the help of my pet and my party members to help keep me alive... should not be happening.
1. No
2. No
3. Maybe
4. No
If you need more details:
1. Pets are great, taking a slot is not a problem. My only beefs with them is the AI and the comfort animal skill, along with the balance among the pet skills.
2. No - timing your prep to attack is good. It makes layering a ton of crapa bit more challenging, and requires planning/coordination.
3. Possibly - I would rather have the ranger staves and foci I brought up so many moons ago.
4. You already lead the target. Provided the target continues moving you will hit. The only time you miss is if they change directions once the shot is in the air, and not matter HOW good an archer you are that will miss.
2. No
3. Maybe
4. No
If you need more details:
1. Pets are great, taking a slot is not a problem. My only beefs with them is the AI and the comfort animal skill, along with the balance among the pet skills.
2. No - timing your prep to attack is good. It makes layering a ton of crapa bit more challenging, and requires planning/coordination.
3. Possibly - I would rather have the ranger staves and foci I brought up so many moons ago.
4. You already lead the target. Provided the target continues moving you will hit. The only time you miss is if they change directions once the shot is in the air, and not matter HOW good an archer you are that will miss.
Give pets for free for rangers with beastmastery at 12 or higher. |
Make preparation skills' buff timer begin with first shot of prepared arrow. |
Add more + energy items for rangers. |
Increase in accuracy as well as power for higher marksmanship. |
For those who bring up skills like Precise Shot, even those are not guarenteed. Strafing can still dodge them. They only prevent "evading" and "blocking". Mind you, Called Shot still works most of the time thanks to the fast arrow speed, and these sort of skills are still useful for countering Aegis or Lightning Reflexes.
Give pets for free for rangers with beastmastery at 12 or higher. |
Here is my Ranger Equipment Suggestions (maybe not the ultimate, but I think is needed):
- Experties req Bow (why limit bow to only Marksmenship when Expeerties have so many Bow skill too)
- Wilderness req Offhand item (+energy, look like a flower/plant)
- Beastmastery req Pet equipment ( have Pet Armor, Pet "weapon", and Pet Packs(?), but can only equip one. Equip in your off hand)
- Experties req Bow (why limit bow to only Marksmenship when Expeerties have so many Bow skill too)
- Wilderness req Offhand item (+energy, look like a flower/plant)
- Beastmastery req Pet equipment ( have Pet Armor, Pet "weapon", and Pet Packs(?), but can only equip one. Equip in your off hand)
Originally Posted by yesitsrob
And what if I don't want to take a pet with me? What if I just want a powerful Edge of Extinction? Or a long lasting Tigers Fury.
Edge of Extinction doesn't need to be at 12 beastmastery either. You wouldn't pump an attribute to 12 points just for one non-essential skill. That weakens your other skills too severely.
Originally Posted by actionjack
- Wilderness req Offhand item (+energy, look like a flower/plant)
a 12 in BM is almost required for a successful Edge Bomb build using EoE
To those who say these are good ideas: You don't understand balance. Sure, more power sounds good to you, but these ideas aren't good in that there is no balance. A pet is useful, that's why it takes a skillslot - it's much better than most skills too. Giving a ranger a free pet at 12 BM is unbalanced. If you can't manage to contribute in a fight you are waiting too long to activate your prep, and probably weren't needed anyway - activate them BEFORE engaging. The accuracy thing doesn't even make sense, arrows simply don't change directions in the air to follow a target - don't like missing? get a faster bow.
The only one of these I agree with at all is energy items for rangers, to give them the option of using something other than a bow - many rangers opt to not use a bow (they trap/beastmaster/use a secondary) and they don't have very good choices of items. This has been discussed before, by many people, including myself.
The only one of these I agree with at all is energy items for rangers, to give them the option of using something other than a bow - many rangers opt to not use a bow (they trap/beastmaster/use a secondary) and they don't have very good choices of items. This has been discussed before, by many people, including myself.
Rico Carridan
Originally Posted by KonohaFlash
I know there are hundreds of similar threads but most of them go down to suggestions of having ninja rangers and always stray off topic. here, ill be addressing some of the common concerns of other rangers and some that i've experienced as a ranger myself
First is the problem with pets. IMO, pets should be allowed automatically to come along if its ranger owner has a high beast mastery, say 12. If other rangers or secondary rangers want to bring their pets along with their beast mastery below 12 then they need to equip "charm animal". It makes perfect sense that a ranger with 12 beast mastery(which is the maximum w/o items) should already be considered a dedicated beastmaster and should be given the bonus of not needing to equip "charm animal" anymore to bring their pets to battle. |
Originally Posted by KonohaFlash
Second, I think they should change the way preparations work so that it will stay on and not start counting down until you fire the first arrow. For example, the 24 second timer on 'apply poison' would only start to countdown once you fire your first shot and not right after you use the skill. This would allow the ranger to have at least one set of 'prepared' arrows before every battle which should be the case if we would all look at what the word 'preparation' means.
Originally Posted by KonohaFlash
Third, i agree with other folks who have been suggesting that some bows should have additional energy attached to them. Off the top of my head... ANET could call it a 'druid bow'? Of course it should come with a trade-off say slower refire rate and must come without other modifiers without the 15-20% additional damage when health > or < than 50% or enchanted etc
Originally Posted by KonohaFlash
Fourth, marksmanship should increase not only power but also accuracy. Having a lot of pvp maps with tons of objects to hide behind to avoid arrows is bad enough, but recently, there has been an increase of people who seemed to have discovered the ultimate arrow evasion skill - strafing.
This forces rangers to use only short or half-moon bows with pindown or favorable winds or ironically for a ranger - get into melee range to even hope to hit enemies who strafe. For new rangers, please, dont ever hope to hit a strafing enemy with a flatbow 25 feet away. So I say, let rangers with low marksmanship miss a lot but please grant eagle-eyed marksmen the boon of better accuracy! |
Interesting suggestions, they sound good but I think would make it too unbalanced (and my fav character is my ranger).
The changes I would like are:
1. Have charm animal/res pet as one skill seeing as you can't use monk skills to res your pet like you can allies, but leave comfort animal for healing only.
2. Move all bow releated skills to marksmanship - it's daft having to put points in four attributes to use one to it's fullest extent - no other class has to do this - a sword, hammer or axe warrior only needs to bump up 3 attributes to have access to all usable skills for that weapon, and an ele specilizing in one element only needs to boost 2
The changes I would like are:
1. Have charm animal/res pet as one skill seeing as you can't use monk skills to res your pet like you can allies, but leave comfort animal for healing only.
2. Move all bow releated skills to marksmanship - it's daft having to put points in four attributes to use one to it's fullest extent - no other class has to do this - a sword, hammer or axe warrior only needs to bump up 3 attributes to have access to all usable skills for that weapon, and an ele specilizing in one element only needs to boost 2
I would like to start by saying this. I play a Ranger, always have, and always will. I find that no class has the versatility, and that is one of the greatest strengths of the class.
However, there is a word for having a pet without using a skill slot. Broken. If you have 11 (B)/10 (M)/10 (E) with all Minor Runes, you are a decent damage-dealer, and your team gets a free Warrior.
If you are arguing that preparations should not wear off until the first arrow is fired because it is unrealistic, picture this. You have a quiver of arrows. You set one on fire, then you put it back. Do you see a problem?
Rangers do not need a lot of energy. Expertise lowers skills to a managable cost, as long as you do not continually spam skills.
In PvP with my Ranger, if I fire on an enemy with no acceleration (not moving or moving in a constant direction) and not using evades, I do not believe I have ever missed. Making it easier to hit people using evades ruins the evades, and making it easier to hit characters spending effort just to stop you seems a waste.
However, there is a word for having a pet without using a skill slot. Broken. If you have 11 (B)/10 (M)/10 (E) with all Minor Runes, you are a decent damage-dealer, and your team gets a free Warrior.
If you are arguing that preparations should not wear off until the first arrow is fired because it is unrealistic, picture this. You have a quiver of arrows. You set one on fire, then you put it back. Do you see a problem?
Rangers do not need a lot of energy. Expertise lowers skills to a managable cost, as long as you do not continually spam skills.
In PvP with my Ranger, if I fire on an enemy with no acceleration (not moving or moving in a constant direction) and not using evades, I do not believe I have ever missed. Making it easier to hit people using evades ruins the evades, and making it easier to hit characters spending effort just to stop you seems a waste.
As if rangers weren't already the most overpowered overused character in the game you want more!!
Rangers have their counters, just like everything else. Quit filling the forums with bs.