I must state that while I feel responsible for the full blown escalation of flame war on the other post, it was warranted.
The minute the post became off-topic from an experience on the European servers to the reason why Americans are less respectful, intelligent...etc, it became off-topic. Then followed up with a commentary on our government and leaders, well you know the rest.
I partially blame Principa Discordia for allowing it to escalate. I feel Principa does not always practice what he/she preaches.
I have never initiated an ignorant generalization about any country or person on these forums, unless provoked.
Since I missed the bloodshed before the post was closed, I must send out a few statements.
To Hydrak and various others: Thank you for maintaining a calm and objective point of view.
To Sino-Soviet: Well, there's not much I can say about you except good luck with Israel. If your country's government chose to bash the British and Americans like you do the Americans, then unfortunately, Israel, as we know it, is not long for this world. There is no long list of allies for Israel, I'll tell you that. Most of Europe could'nt care less about Israel. America and Britain are your best friends and they do not deserve your scorn.
To Eventhorizen: You validated my initial statement about the US helping to turn the tide of WW II in like 5 posts and then proceeded on a "fact" based tirade to contradict for about 50 posts.
We all know Germany basically lost the war through attrition of having to fight a two-front war and their lack of petroleum to continue to feed their war machine. I never belittled the Russian sacrifice in WW II. There was no need to compare Shermans and Tigers or discuss individual campaigns, blah blah blah, that was not the point.
The point was about America-bashing and always was. There is no place for it on these forums and the minute I see it, or unfair bashing in any fashion, I will respond in kind.
GW Servers and Attacks on Nationality
I don't even know what other thread is being discussed here, but it is extremely rude to the owners of the board to not respect a thread closing. Whether or not you agree with it, the people who pay to keep this site going have entrusted the right to close threads to whoever closed this thread, and thus the closer speaks for them.
You should be a little more grateful to the board owners for running and maintaining a site you obviously like making use of and respect the thread closings by STFU'ing on the subject. You should most especially not continue with negative commentary on other people in the closed thread.
You should be a little more grateful to the board owners for running and maintaining a site you obviously like making use of and respect the thread closings by STFU'ing on the subject. You should most especially not continue with negative commentary on other people in the closed thread.
Pevil Lihatuh
best bet is to PM the people you want to say thanks/whatever to and not put something like this ont he forum. I doubt the moderators will take kindly to your negative view of one of their number.
Principa Discordia
Originally Posted by MuKen
I don't even know what other thread is being discussed here, but it is extremely rude to the owners of the board to not respect a thread closing. Whether or not you agree with it, the people who pay to keep this site going have entrusted the right to close threads to whoever closed this thread, and thus the closer speaks for them.
You should be a little more grateful to the board owners for running and maintaining a site you obviously like making use of and respect the thread closings by STFU'ing on the subject. You should most especially not continue with negative commentary on other people in the closed thread. |
I should not have to tell anyone more than once, never mind two or three times, to stop hijacking a thread with jingoist and nationalist chest-beating. Hence, the thread was locked. This does not mean that you are entitled to start a brand new "I get the last word" thread, pointing fingers and naming names.
This topic has been locked on grounds of a.) what MuKen said in the post I just quoted, and b.) being insane flame-war material.
*Lets the hammer fall.*