q. How does one get to rank 6?
a. just win a lot of matches in tombs regularly
q. how does one get to win matches in tombs regularly?
a. find a decent guild group or guild and win with this
q. how does someone find a good guild group or team to play with in tombs and actually win?
a. get rank 6 and then you will be able to find good guilds and decent tombing teams.
Am I missing something, becuase it seems that this is what ive gotten out of tombing so far in the month and a half that ive been doing it. All ive come across were losing guilds and teams in which I go for runs of 3 fame per 5 hours.
did i miss a starters guild to pvping in tombs somewhere? or what? I'm sick and tired of getting home for work and spending hours and hours spammng:
"Rank 5 war/ele hammer+kd+aftershock, ele/mo smiter, Air ele/mes(16)" only to get picked up in horrible teams that still wonder how to press T. What am I missing, how cna I get into good enough guilds and gorups to get to rank 6 so that I can actually GET into a decent pvp tombing guild that I can play with, pwn and have fun with regularly?
Do I need to sell my soul to satan?
Currently with no guild because
a. they either sucked horribly or
b. they died out.
So, on this quest to get to rank 6 to get started with awesome people who can use my help and can help me as well (I'm no master of guildwars. . . I could use some serious help) What do I need to do? I'm am really close to just puttign this game down and picking up something different (like my life back or something) I play this game to have fun, and well, it's not fun msging the 1233434 people on my f list or in an inactive guild for a decent team to join.
Any suggestions? I listen very well and can follow directions, If i ned a skill or something for my character, I'll go out and get it. Whatever is needed for me to help a decent team win mroe often ill do it, because it's fun. Its fun to win, its fun to be with an awesome gorup of people who can help you out and having you return the favor by being the best player that they want you to be. but, I'm obviously missing something
what am I missing?
601 fame and not still even close to rank 6
Questions About Rank 6
Mr T Bone
You can join my guild if you like. I am 530 fame and was in a similar situation till i made 6 friends who tombs all the time and we formed pugs with 2 ppl we didnt kno. Then we made a guild and got 11 members so far after being up 1 day. Leav ur ingame name and ill send you a pm if you are interested.
thanks, any help would be appreciated, My ignames are Luphrecio Del Oira (warrrior name)
Lucretia Orledus (air ele/mes) Luphs Hot Ele Chick (smiting e/mo)
Lucretia Orledus (air ele/mes) Luphs Hot Ele Chick (smiting e/mo)
I am a disciplined, mature player (33 y.o) with a w/mo. In a tombs pvp I would go for max damage output and interrupts. My guild doesn't have enough interested members to field a PvP team. My in game name is Santanus Perro. I would love to team up with you all. I use ventrilo, but would be willing to get teamspeak.