Question about Shocking dmg
Does anyone know how much armor penetration the shocking weapon upgrades give? Also does anyone know if differnt swords have faster attack rates??
My understanding is that shocking just changes the damage type from piercing to lightning or slashing to lighting. I do not believe there is any armor penitration otherwise sundering would be useless. If you want armor pen I think you need sundering.
There is nothing special about Shocking weapons, besides lightning damage.
Indy has it. Many air spells have AP as a bonus, but this doesn't apply to swords. So you either need a sundering mod (which will replace the shocking bonus) or you will need to put points in str. I'm not sure about attack rates. I recently saw some collector's items that gave a bonus to it, but I haven't seen anything for swords.
Aite thanks, that changes alot of things with my warrior