Possibility Of Bot-Banning With Tonight's Patch?
You know the massive floods of bots in zones like Riverside and Ember Light Camp? The latter of which is now almost TOTALLY taken over by bots and non english speaking people (on the American server btw). It's been this way for 2 weeks. Same characters, same guilds, same MO, same laggy zones with stampedes of bots heading to the zone out every second and spamming chat in chinese.
Jaythen Tyradel
One can hope, but can't say for certain that there will be.
Why was my topic topic title edited?
Principa Discordia
Originally Posted by Dumachum
Why was my topic topic title edited?
LOL! Principa. I missed you yesterday. 
I hope there's a patch and any time that AN can "stick it to exploiters" is a good thing, if you ask me...which of course you didn't.

I hope there's a patch and any time that AN can "stick it to exploiters" is a good thing, if you ask me...which of course you didn't.
How are they addressing this?
I take it that the subject matter points to non-english proliferation of bot's and bot use. Perhaps suggesting that sweatshop farming of items from overseas is occuring as we speak.
I take it that the subject matter points to non-english proliferation of bot's and bot use. Perhaps suggesting that sweatshop farming of items from overseas is occuring as we speak.
It's always been occuring. When they shut down Crystal Desert they all moved to these two places and its been business as usual ever since.
Any cheaters and exploiters worth a darn (/sarcasm) will find the next bot area within minutes of any fix AN throws out. It is virtually impossible to close -all- the loopholes. I'm just glad that AN tries and at least shuts them down for a short time.
Originally Posted by Dumachum
You know the massive floods of bots in zones like Riverside and Ember Light Camp? The latter of which is now almost TOTALLY taken over by bots and non english speaking people (on the American server btw). It's been this way for 2 weeks. Same characters, same guilds, same MO, same laggy zones with stampedes of bots heading to the zone out every second and spamming chat in chinese.
Sereng Amaranth
to me, a bot user = an unfulfilled life....to have to pay and then cheat to get the most gold in a game where gold has little value is pretty pathetic
Bot-herder: I have Fissure Armor!
Anyone else: So it will look real nice and shiny in pieces under my boots.
Bot-herder: I have Fissure Armor!
Anyone else: So it will look real nice and shiny in pieces under my boots.

The only things in the game that require you to spend lots of time farming are perfect weapons and a few Superior Runes. The funny thing is, you can get lesser Runes or weapons that are marginally less powerful, for a much lower price.