I was hoping to get a good price for this, found this 2 min ago
IGN = Distance Duck
I dont have to sell it if the offers are not to my liking
WTS: Un-Id Gold Max damage Battlepick- req 8!
Sold it for:
Shocking storm bow of fortitude
Obsidian shard
7k gold
Was that a good trade?
The battlepick was:
max damage
Damage +16% while Hexed
Sundering 10/9
Health +29
It was very good, but i could not have known that, could i?
Shocking storm bow of fortitude
Obsidian shard
7k gold
Was that a good trade?
The battlepick was:
max damage
Damage +16% while Hexed
Sundering 10/9
Health +29
It was very good, but i could not have known that, could i?
Yes, it was a good trade. You would have about 25K here...so you got a good deal.
Sold the Storm bow for 18k
it had a 13 req
max damage
+20 hp
12% damage wile hexed
it had a 13 req
max damage
+20 hp
12% damage wile hexed