2 man UW run anyone?
Maha Baharata
Just wanted to check, anyone ever done a 2 man UW run before, or am I the first. Me and a guild mate of mine both for fun went into UW with both our monk solo builds (used for farming) we found out you can get amazing drops, xp, what ever doing this. in 1 hour we had completed smite runs and cleared many other places and had many many drops. I now have an amazing new farm to go to. So jsut wondering anyoen else do this?
Well, there is a post in the quest area about someone who did a 2 man smiting run. So I guess you aren't the first.
Acan Vishnu
I do it at times... so I know its possible. Use search tho. Much more complete telling of it somewhere in forum than I could provide(and I cant remember what the name was) 
Edit: Doh! There it is above me... posted before me by a second. ^_^

Edit: Doh! There it is above me... posted before me by a second. ^_^