Ascention Gladiator's Male Armor set.
Drakharran Zealot
I just figured I could shell out the extra 70k. Can you say Man-bra?
WTF, and I thought the druids was ugly. That is the worst looking top and gloves I have ever seen.
I think the gloves look cool...but thats just me. top is ok...
The gloves might look cool if they were the same on both sides. Armor looks better when both sides are proportional.
super dooper
here's a screenshot of the female set.. had to get her to stop running.
and pardon the icky quality.. it looks pretty good.
Drakharran Zealot
I want an armor all like the boots. But, then it won't be gladiator's will it.

Well atleast it's not the one-nipple showing top like the 1.5k one.
Swampgirl Inez
I don't know whether to laugh or cry... seriously.
The guy who designs armor must be very horny judging by most of the female armor.
The male armor makes me want to find Cringer and yell "By the Power of Greyskull"
OK, that makes things alot easier: No ascention Gladiator's Armor for me 
I think it's really ugly.. Waste of money.

I think it's really ugly.. Waste of money.
Am I the only one who adores both new sets of armor? I think the male and female druids look awesome, and the male gladiator looks great.
The female gladiator looks a little...odd though. ...pfft...haha...
The female gladiator looks a little...odd though. ...pfft...haha...
I am a Gladiator's Armor user, and I had hoped the patch would make the 15k Gladiator's something special....but this is just embarrassing....Frankly, it looks worse than the 1.5k

Originally Posted by Maxiemonster
OK, that makes things alot easier: No ascention Gladiator's Armor for me 
I think it's really ugly.. Waste of money. All post searing armor is a waste of money. It is just there to help you recovering WoW players feel comfortable with a complete waste of time. I am thrilled that the only difference is ascetic. A-Net knows how to keep a game fun

I think it's really ugly.. Waste of money. All post searing armor is a waste of money. It is just there to help you recovering WoW players feel comfortable with a complete waste of time. I am thrilled that the only difference is ascetic. A-Net knows how to keep a game fun
Originally Posted by Drakharran Zealot
I just figured I could shell out the extra 70k. Can you say Man-bra? That looks sweet as! I love it.

whoa! no left nipple exposure with the male gladiator armor. I think i will get that one once my warrior ascends. I wonder what it looks like with stonefist gauntlets?
Originally Posted by bee65n
I am a Gladiator's Armor user, and I had hoped the patch would make the 15k Gladiator's something special....but this is just embarrassing....Frankly, it looks worse than the 1.5k
Agreed. But the boots look hardcore
I guess i just have to get silver knight's set now.

the male armore would look much better if it did not have that metal side, but instead had the leather strap thing on both sides (porportional), The boots would be cooler if they were Roman strap-like sandals, and both of his nipples should of been exposed (almost shirtless, but with some leather thing or somthing).
But seriously, i really appericiate that they are acually updating the armor... because it just makes the game interesting... like, you have something to look forward to, and somthing to distinguish (spelling...) you from everyone else based on appearances.
But seriously, i really appericiate that they are acually updating the armor... because it just makes the game interesting... like, you have something to look forward to, and somthing to distinguish (spelling...) you from everyone else based on appearances.
Evan The Cursed
Originally Posted by Forscience
All post searing armor is a waste of money. It is just there to help you recovering WoW players feel comfortable with a complete waste of time. I am thrilled that the only difference is ascetic. A-Net knows how to keep a game fun
I think his point was that it looks uglier than the 1.5k gladiator's set. Which it does. and thus is even more of a waste of money than just primping your character. Which it is.
its not that bad. i like it.
Both sets look better than the 1.5k counterparts to me, with the exception of the female leggings though.
Alathys Tylderaan
I really like it, one guy from my guild already had it waiting to change and i gotta say the only one they added after release i like more is the male aeromancers. big thumbs up for this set

Damn, I was hoping it would look better. Guess I'm still saving for FoW Gladiator's chest.
Ugh, back to counting shards and ecto...
Ugh, back to counting shards and ecto...
One winged angel
erm I actually kind of like the gladiator for girls I might trade in knights armor for that.
really ugly imho. the females are horrid looking. and the males are wearing a man-bra for heavensake! :x
I want the designer(s) of the gladiator's armor set, especially the 15k female set one(s), fired.
I think that they look pretty sweet. What I do, if the armor doesn't look the greatest mix it with its 1.5 counterparts to get a unqiue look.
The boots are awesome. I wish there was a whole armor set like that. I guess for the rest I will stick with regular gladiator's. And I don't understand the big deal about the chest piece showing one nipple. OMG, not that. Better than wearing a man-bra.
Honestly, the new armors seem to get worse and worse as they are added. I won't even comment on the druid armor...
Honestly, the new armors seem to get worse and worse as they are added. I won't even comment on the druid armor...
I quite like it.
Ehhh... Looks like the artist for the female druid, male gladiator, and female gladiator sets decided to slack off. Shows more skin than actual armor :/ Not even tasteful. Thanks to the people who bought this stuff and/or posted screenies. Least I know where my gold won't be going.
Eskimo Bob
I think I am going to hurl...
That is the worst looking armor ever.
That is the worst looking armor ever.
I think the female version looks quite hot :P
Doesn't look like it would provide much protection though like the platemail.
The 1.5k set has a few pieces that look weak, the gloves and boots look really stupid. And the hat (yes hat) looks a little uninspiring. The chest and leggings don't look too bad.
Did you get the helmet too? I haven't seen it yet for the male warrior
I don't think the 15k armor looks too bad, certainly unique.
Doesn't look like it would provide much protection though like the platemail.
The 1.5k set has a few pieces that look weak, the gloves and boots look really stupid. And the hat (yes hat) looks a little uninspiring. The chest and leggings don't look too bad.
Did you get the helmet too? I haven't seen it yet for the male warrior
I don't think the 15k armor looks too bad, certainly unique.
I like the Gladiator Armour...the extra armour on the sword arm ties in with the Roman Gladiator vision (protect the sword arm so that you can still fight even if bashed)...
afaik there isn't a Gladiator Helm (which makes this the cheapest 15k armour set) - I use the collector helm from the Crystal Desert as the one you buy just doesn't seem to go with the armour...
My female W/E posing in her new kit:
afaik there isn't a Gladiator Helm (which makes this the cheapest 15k armour set) - I use the collector helm from the Crystal Desert as the one you buy just doesn't seem to go with the armour...
My female W/E posing in her new kit:
Here it is female set dyed dark blue (blue+purple). I bought it several weeks ago and had to wait for the update, which I happen to like. There is no 15k Gladiator Helm so I use a Knights Helm.
Mm... I think I'm not liking the lower part of the armor, but the arms and torso seem really nice. I'm really starting to wonder if the warrior models legs are somehow weird. :P
P.S. About the female armor... doesn't damage mainly occur in your chest area? Am I seeing absolutely no armor in the chest area? Except for the leathery looking bras there, ofcourse. Kinda funny... thinking this IS the warrior of the game, the one with the MOST armor on. Beats me.
P.S. About the female armor... doesn't damage mainly occur in your chest area? Am I seeing absolutely no armor in the chest area? Except for the leathery looking bras there, ofcourse. Kinda funny... thinking this IS the warrior of the game, the one with the MOST armor on. Beats me.
That's a good point, they need like a steel plate coverin' their goods...not some tiny leather strap I could use for a belt.
"Rawr!!! I'm a big stone golem prepare to be crushed into a horribly mutilated/mushy liquid!!! *throws several gigantic stone boulders at female warriors torso*
Warrior: "Muahaha!!! Nice try, but you'll not be squishing ME with those giant 2 ton boulders, I'm wearing a bra. Hahaha! Fear my wrath and my unpenetrable knockers of...leather?"
Stupid, just stupid.
"Rawr!!! I'm a big stone golem prepare to be crushed into a horribly mutilated/mushy liquid!!! *throws several gigantic stone boulders at female warriors torso*
Warrior: "Muahaha!!! Nice try, but you'll not be squishing ME with those giant 2 ton boulders, I'm wearing a bra. Hahaha! Fear my wrath and my unpenetrable knockers of...leather?"
Stupid, just stupid.
Looks to me like they got halfway through designing the armour and then stopped. Nice boots, good arms, but where's the middle?
super dooper
this might just be me, but I think they were going for a Gladiator-y look, leaving certain parts exposed.. It does 'sorta' resemble some of the stuff you see in Gladiator pictures/movies...
I like it. I will admit its not made for general acceptance. But this is the look i want for my warrior, ya.

the chest for the female gladiator needs to have metal breast plates designed like the boots.
anet needs to wake up here.
I just hope that the 15k Knight set dosen't look like shit
anet needs to wake up here.
I just hope that the 15k Knight set dosen't look like shit