The other day I read an excellent article on skills that are still really effective without any attribute points. I'm sure it was from this site somewhere as this is the only site where I've read truly excellent articles. But I can't seem to find it anymore :-(
Can anyone please tell me where it is or post a link to it? Thanks!
Where is the zero attribute skills article?
Sausaletus Rex
I can't recall an article solely about skills which were good with no points. There's the Spotlight on Skills series in the articles section and several of the skills detailed can work well without points. Especially the Glyphs article, those skills are all unattributed. Otherwise, I don't know what it was you read, if indeed you read it here.
Originally Posted by Sausaletus Rex
I can't recall an article solely about skills which were good with no points. There's the Spotlight on Skills series in the articles section and several of the skills detailed can work well without points. Especially the Glyphs article, those skills are all unattributed. Otherwise, I don't know what it was you read, if indeed you read it here.