Alrighty all. I wastold there is virtually no Elementalist Farm skill listing guides or whatever on the net. I haven't looked but here's one:
At Perdition Rock, which is just outside of Ember Light Camp. Once entering map, becareful of the Hydras and just go all the way completely to the right. If a phantom shows up, make sure to take him out 1v1. FlameBurst is fast enough the majority of the time to avoid the phantom from blocking it.
Watch the patrol lines of the Golems. Buff yourself with numbers 7 and 8 (listed below) and wait for them to come back into your aggro. zone. (The circle around your character) Just before they enter hit 6. (Obsidian Flesh, which is an Elite obtainable from Harn at Perdition Rock) Then continue to hit 5 (Ward Against Melee). Try and target FireStorm on the golem that looks like is gonna be at the center, or target any golem that has 1 or more other golems around it. Then proceed to hit 3, while it is casting hit 2. (Flame Burst goes quickly so watch the casting animation.) Then hit 1.
I do a listing from number 8 down to 1. My main skill attributes are lvl 14 fire and lvl12 earth with 9 in Energy Storage.
8.) Aura of Restoration
7.) Fire Attunement (7 and 8 switchable)
6.) Obsidian Flesh
5.) Ward Against Melee
4.) FireStorm
3.) Lava Font
2.) Flame Burst
1.) Phoenix
By the time you cast and hit with phoenix all flesh golems around you will be dead and there shouldn't be any hexes on you at all. You'll get 168xp per golem kill and prolly atleast 98gp if they don't drop a fancy weapon for you.
Elementalist Farm Skills (Flesh Golem Version)
While I love people who want to give back to the community, as the OP obviously does, I don't like seeing farming topics. Why? Because this just makes it likely that more people will now farm this spot, and therefore more likely that ANet will clobber it with the NERF bat fairly quickly. So when you find a good farming spot/build... you may just want to keep it to yourself. :P
Perdition rock has been farmed since day#2 of game going live. There have been videos of it, lots of builds shown which can take down the fleshgolems fast.
And drops from golems have been nerfed long time ago already. That phantom which shows up is there to discourage botters, actually.. It hasn't been there for that long.
And drops from golems have been nerfed long time ago already. That phantom which shows up is there to discourage botters, actually.. It hasn't been there for that long.
Witcher King
Flesh Golems used to be a piece of cake for almost any profession to farm because they hit for very low damage. That lasted for about a month before ANet stepped in and boosted them ridiculously. Now I don't think they're even worth farming. But the above build does sound good for it. Though I'm surprised they're not stripping those enchantments you're casting. I remembered them doing that.
Obsidian Flesh
Obsidian Flesh prevents you to be the target of enemy spells and it gives you additional armor at the cost of moving slow.
The Hydras there give me better drops than flesh golems nowadays. :/
Witcher King
Ah ha, learn something new everyday.
Flip the usage of Phoenix and Flame Burst - the nasty aftercast on that skill makes it ideal to use as a finisher, not an opener.
Otherwise, extremely similar to what I pharm Flesh Golems with.
Otherwise, extremely similar to what I pharm Flesh Golems with.